Other mistake: Virtually all the text in the various articles and reports in this movie are fake. Look at the John Kramer article at the very beginning, even at first glance you can tell it's an article about pilgrims or something and has nothing to do with John Kramer. Also, when Staham is going through the articles he found on Hoffman's sister, you can very plainly see that every article (there are a few) is just the same typed out story copied and pasted into various formats. (This doesn't even require slow motion, just pay attention.) (00:11:45)

Other mistake: Father Joe says "You brought me to the wrong house", which seems to be a proof of his psychic abilities. However, one does not need to be a psychic to notice the neighboring house all covered with yellow tape reading "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS." (00:22:20)

Other mistake: After the main characters are talking in a bar, the camera shows a wire above a street. On the wire, there are 3 pairs of old shoes hanging by the laces. However, a closer look reveals that 2 of the 3 pairs are NOT actual shoes, they are just cardboard cut-outs printed to look like shoes and they have the same graphic. (00:36:25)

Other mistake: When the Jeep crashes and John gets out, he sits on the ground behind the vehicle and picks up a shard of glass that's supposed to be from the vehicle accident. Given that all the glass on the jeep shows to be intact, the glass couldn't have come from the Jeep as insinuated by the audio and placement of the shard.
Suggested correction: The windshield broke when the Jeep crashed into the tree and the driver was thrown through it. So the glass of the Jeep is not all intact. That being said, the shard John picked up was a long way away from where the windshield broke.

Other mistake: When the initial attack happens, it shows a gradual blackout of the city. Yet in all the following scenes, the lights are on.

Other mistake: By the moment that Lea discovers and reads the letter, this, with such typewriting, cannot be written by a six year old boy.

Other mistake: In the beginning of the movie, they're driving a red car and they crash. Then the police come and they drive away in a black car. There was no scene with a visible towing truck or anything. Did they forget to include them switching the cars or did they make an error of switching the car from red to black?