Other mistake: During the scene where the Japanese are being rounded up and taken to the internment camp, the camera is panning over the crowds of people walking down the street. Half way through this scene, there is a woman and a little girl, who seems to be carrying a stuffed Elmo, hardly appropriate for the time period.

Other mistake: When Loki and Bartleby are in the Mooby boardroom, Loki sits back to continue carving the voodoo doll and tells Bartleby, 'You may proceed, mon ami.' As Bartleby stands up you can see that Loki has cut the head off his 'voodoo doll.'

Other mistake: Right at the very end, when all the prisoners are standing in the room, it starts to slowly zoom in on Alice in the middle, but watch the blonde girl on the left of Alice - she starts laughing for no reason at all as Alice smiles to herself. I don't think it had anything to do with the film either, because it didn't show any reason why she would just start laughing like that.

Other mistake: Hayden Christensen's character is credited as Jake Hill Conley (seen in both the end credits and on IMDB) but when they explain who each boy is and why they were picked to take the girls to the dance, the voice-over calls him Joe Hill Conley.

Other mistake: On two occasions in the movie, Ashley Judd slams a car into another (she drives Tommy Lee Jones' car into another and over the side of the ferry boat, and later she smashes a stolen pickup truck into the side of a car). In each case, the car she is driving emerges from the crash without a scratch on it, not even a damaged headlight.

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, Ichabod, Katrina and the young boy are in the old windmill when the horseman arrives. When the three good characters jump onto the moving sails Ichabod drops a lantern down to the floor setting the whole windmill on fire. He, the little boy and Katrina jump off the sail onto the ground and start running back to their carriage some yards away. A camera shot shows the top of the building explode and we see a very quick shot of the whole windmill exploding in flames, but Ichabod, Katrina and the little boy have disappeared. Two shots later they are still running to the carriage. (01:30:25)

Other mistake: After Cage calls Gandolfini and tells him he knows about the murdered girl, Gandolfini uses the telephone. There are 13 beeps, then Cage replays it and there are 12. Telephone numbers even with the "1" and area code, only have 11 numbers. (01:01:10)

Other mistake: Toward the end of the movie, as Johnny Depp and his leading lady are being led down into the dungeon, you can actually see the camera bouncing and shaking and hear it hitting the stairs as it moves down the stairs.

Other mistake: As Tom Cruise stands outside the Sonata Cafe, he sees snaps of Nick Nightingale's band. Kip Fleming on bass, Larry McVey on drums and Bobby Berman on guitar. Inside the Cafe, Nick introduces his band in a different order and instruments; Larry McVey on bass and Kip Fleming on drums.

Other mistake: Nell's hair is considerably lighter in the scene where it starts moving by itself - clearly CGI.

Other mistake: When "Dutch" uses the call return feature after George Beaufort left the harassing message on his answering machine, he dials #69 on his phone. The actual number for call return is *69. (01:11:15)

Other mistake: When he is talking to his sister in-law during work on the phone, the red wire, which was connecting them so they could talk, dropped or fell out of place. Even though this happened, the conversation still continued.

Other mistake: Both Brenner and Sunhill are First Sergeants, yet their military IDs are very different: Brenner's is just a plastic ID card, but Sunhill has both a police ID badge as well as a paper card authorizing her to make arrests.
Suggested correction: Paul Brenner is a Chief Warrant Officer 4, Sarah Sunhill is a Chief Warrant Officer 2. His mil ID is 1SG because he is undercover, it's not Paul Brenner's. First Sergeants are never CID agents, though Master Sergeants could be. Brenner holds his CID credentials to the MP's at the gate when heading to the murder scene.