Hawkins: After months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could make me reveal the identity of my confederate?
Jean: Because they'd put you on the rack, crack your every bone, scald you with hot oil, and remove the nails off your fingers with flaming hot pincers.
Hawkins: I'd... like to withdraw the question.

Alicia Pritchard: Mr. Griggs, a person is not a corporation! A person is flesh and blood... and feelings .

Jud Fry: I ain't good enough for you, am I? I'm a hired hand. I got dirt on my hands. Pig slop. I ain't fit to touch you, am I - you're better. Oh, you're so much better, Miss Laurey Williams! Well we'll see how much better you are, and then you won't be so free and easy and hifalutin' with your airs! You such a fine lady.

Boris: Ah, but remember, my friends. Even Tramp has his Achilles heel.
Pedro: Pardon me, amigo. What is this chili deal?
Boris: Achilles heel, Pedro. This is meaning his, uh, weaknesses.
Toughy: Oh! Oh, the dames. Yeah.
Bulldog in Pound: He has an eye for a well-turned paw, he has. Let's see, there's been Lulu.
Toughy: Yeah, and Trixie.
Dachsie: Und Fifi.
Pedro: And my sister, Rosita Chiquita Juanita Chihuahua. I think.