Other mistake: When Iron Man and Iron Monger are fighting, Iron Man catches the SUV, and you can see the family inside the car. Although the car is completely vertical, the hair of the people in the car seems to defy gravity.

Other mistake: When Dr. Strange rushes a patient to brain surgery they show him and Dr. Christine Palmer operating without surgical masks. When they cut away and come back they're wearing masks. Also, Dr. Palmer is an ER doctor, and her assisting him would never happen in real life.

Other mistake: When Vers is using the payphone across from Blockbuster, the phone says it costs 25 cents for a call, but down below there is a big notice on the phone saying effective Nov. 1, 1995 the rate is going up to 25 cents. Trouble is it is June 1995, still five months before the rate change, and yet it already costs 25 cents. (00:25:40)

Other mistake: On one of the SHIELD monitors, "perimeter" is spelled "perimiter".

Other mistake: Black Widow and her sister steal a BMW. Getting away they damage the left rear quarter. A few cuts later they show the car again and it has no damage to the left rear quarter. (00:40:15)

Other mistake: Scott Lang is swept out of the tub after having shrunk for the first time. When he lands on the ceramic bathroom floor, falling roughly two feet, there is an audible glass breaking sound and it appears he has broken the flooring with his fall. He then falls through a plaster ceiling to free fall down to a turn table, landing on a plastic vinyl record played by a DJ. The album does not break despite him having fallen from three times the height and landing on a weaker material. Moments later, he is thrown through a second storey window and lands on a car in the street and his weight is now once again sufficient to form a small dent in the hood. (00:31:15)

Other mistake: A poster in the school states that the Academic Decathlon takes place on October 14-15. But later on in the movie, another poster says it's on September 14.
Suggested correction: Was in a similar thing in HS. Not too surprisingly, we had more than one event throughout the year. In fact, I've never heard of an extra-curricular with only 1 event. Likely 2 different meets.
They said later on, though, and that would go into the next school year, which is weird for most extracurriculars to have pre-planned events for the next school year.

Other mistake: Scott arrives in the park and sees hundreds of memorials listing people who were killed by Thanos. In the first close-up shot shown of one of the memorials, the name Norbert Lamey can be seen five rows from the top on the right hand side. The camera then pans to Scott walking in front of the memorial to the right of it. The name Norbert Lamey can be seen repeated on the opposite side of the memorial Scott stands in front of. (00:24:25)

Other mistake: Throughout the movie, the timeframe of Ikaris and Sersi's relationship seems to constantly change; their first kiss is in 575 BC, but Phastus in 2020 asks her how could she stand him for 5000 years. Sprite tells Dane that they broke up 100 years before, but he leaves her because he can't stand to keep secret from her the mission. Which is a problem, since he mentioned that Ajak told him that when they left Babylon, so around 500 BC.

Other mistake: Bruce is seen wearing a Polar F5 heart rate monitor in a couple of scenes after Betty gives it to him (such as when he is in bed with Betty) but there is no transmitter strap around his chest, which that model needs in order to pick up the wearer's heart rate.

Other mistake: Throughout the movie, Hank's lab in its shrunken form is constantly jostled and tossed around, but when it's restored to full size in a new location, nothing is out of place and everything still works perfectly.
Suggested correction: Given that he has prepared the lab to be shrunken and mobilized at a moment's notice, he probably thought of this ahead of time and secured everything important in place.
Perhaps he could secure some things, but there's never so much as a computer monitor out of place.
It's a fair point. I agree that some things should definitely be out of place, but given the importance of what he is working on, he would take measures to ensure that the important things wouldn't become damaged and inoperative when the lab is being moved around. We see on at least one occasion that he has ants roaming the lab, so it's possible he trained them to ensure that the Quantum Gate and any device essential to its operation are protected at all times.
In a world in which a man becomes the size of an ant, I guess any correction could be invalidated. I this case, there are any number of reasons why everything, down to paper and pens, never moves. Maybe the ants pick them all up. Maybe gravity works differently when shrunk. This means that basically any movie that uses magic or magic type technology would never have a valid mistake.
Other mistake: The video game company NAMCO Bandai is misspelled twice as "NAMECO Bandai" in the end credits, although fixed in the home video version.

Other mistake: Justin Hammer picks up the M134 like it's a feather. In reality, it's a hundred pound gun, even a big bloke would have to work hard to pick something like that up.

Other mistake: In this movie Korg has two biological fathers (he calls them that way); his race appears to be formed by males that reproduce by holding hands in lava pits. However, the first time Thor met Korg in Thor: Ragnarok, his backstory was that he started a revolution that failed because just his "mum and her boyfriend" showed up.
Suggested correction: It is possible among the Kronans, that one of the males is still called mum and use female pronouns. It's also possible that despite the fact 2 males can breed, it does not exclude females from existing.
Suggested correction: I see no reason why Korg couldn't have had a mother figure in his life, and not necessarily being of the same race. Technically speaking, he never specifically stated that his mom is who conceived or gave birth to him. I have no doubt that the writers didn't plan this, but it also doesn't create a contradiction.

Other mistake: When Tony's house is destroyed by the Mandarin, watch closely when Pepper is blown through the air, just before Tony attaches his suit to her - she's very obviously wearing high-heeled shoes that would make it impossible for her feet/ankles to fit correctly into the suit without them being crunched up by the suit's boots. But later on, when she gets out, if you listen, you can hear the "clicking" of her unbroken heels as she runs around.

Other mistake: Sandman AKA Flint Marko is the first of the villains to be changed back at the Statue of Liberty fight, and he is told by Peter to stay inside the head to be safe. Seconds later Electro discharges a massive electric surge onto the statue head, which is made of bronze, which is a good electric conductor. Marko should not have survived that. (01:47:40 - 01:48:10)
Suggested correction: It's made of a good conductor that would protect him like a faraday cage if anything. (Almost) all the energy would go through the metal, not the less conductive person.
A faraday cage is very sophisticated, calculated, engineering to block electromagnetic fields. You can't accidentally have a faraday cage.

Other mistake: In the theatrical end credits, Alan Silvestri's credit under the Captain America theme was misspelled as SilveRstri. This was fixed for home streaming.

Other mistake: When Loki gets up from being thrown during the "get help" scene, he seems too far to the left of the screen (Thor's right). Thor is still looking down to his left at the fallen guards, and in the previous shot we saw that Loki fell amongst them as he knocked them down.

Other mistake: When Kursed Algrim stabs Frigga, the sword goes in but doesn't come out.

Other mistake: When Zola's algorithm is deployed and begins it shows the radius which barely reaches Staten Island, however it finds Tony Stark in NYC.
Suggested correction: The initial targeting radius shown at 1:53:27 is as you say. But the radius keeps growing. At 1:53:50, it is still growing and has almost reached Lake Ontario.
Suggested correction: It's possible certain people were pre-programmed in.