Stupidity: How would a devout catholic like Angela not believe in the devil, as she tells Constantine? Makes no sense.
Suggested correction: Some Christians don't believe in the literal personification of the Devil. They see him more as a metaphor for all human sins. So according to them, the Devil is not something to blame evil on. Everybody has God and the Devil in them.

Stupidity: When Jody traps Michael in his room, he does so by sticking a screwdriver between the the door and the jamb. This likely wouldn't accomplish much regardless, but it especially wouldn't work in this situation because the door opens into the room, so Michael could simply open the door and the screwdriver would fall on the ground.

Stupidity: Soon after the new art therapy instructor Anna arrived for her first day at the mental hospital, Leena - the most dangerous patient - was not in her room and nobody could find her. The hospital went into lock down and the doctor took Anna to a room. Without first looking in the room, the doctor said, "Do not leave this room. Don't worry, you will be safe here and we'll come back after we found her" and then locked Anna inside the room - with Leena. (00:03:36 - 00:04:41)

Stupidity: Sam slid under the truck to narrowly escape the lioness. Even though there was more than enough ground clearance, the lioness did not go under the truck to attack Sam, as though the truck's frame were a barrier. The lioness could have easily crawled under the truck (unless a CGI lioness is not as spry or nimble as a "real" lioness). Sam being under the truck would not constitute adequate protection from an attacking lioness. (01:10:30 - 01:35:20)

Stupidity: During the movie, the bad guys keep the main character alive and free to roam the facility at will (even if they made him sign an incriminating form at the very beginning stating he's an inmate) doing absolutely nothing to restrict his freedom till the very end - he even retains personal effects like his broken Rolex and lighter, his wallet full of cash! He breaks into every forbidden area, picks up fights, damages property, escapes multiple times and 'corrupts' the person the whole facility is built for. He is worth absolutely nothing to them and has nobody waiting for him or that will look for him.