Stupidity: If the song "Beyond the Sea" can be continuously broadcast on the radio station as a "cryptic clue" that there are survivors living on the island and the aliens are unable to swim, then someone could verbally announce that information over the radio and otherwise communicate with other humans. The same thing about how Regan's hearing aid incapacitates the creatures. Rather than explaining how to weaponized the high-frequency sound, only the hearing aid's noise is broadcast and anyone hearing it has to figure it out.

Stupidity: The whole movie happens for unbelievably convoluted causes. Despite their friendship and the simple fact that he still runs an occult shop (showing that he's not exactly insensitive to the past), Ray in years never spent a single moment to check on Egon's whereabouts, which he knew, or listen to him. The city has Shandor's name all over and any cursory investigation would have unveiled the connection. Assuming of course that Egon turned into such a lunatic he couldn't do the namedropping himself.

Stupidity: Dr. Emma Collins and Shaw were in the water with Sally the Great White Shark. Emma put her right hand over Sally's nose and pushed her back. Sally swam forward and Emma pointed her index finger at Sally's nose then pushed her back again. Emma told Shaw, "If you stay calm and redirect" and "Don't try this at home" before Sally pushed Emma with her nose on Emma's stomach and rammed her into an underwater object. Emma was the instigator, goading a Great White Shark. Emma could have been killed. (00:05:10)

Stupidity: Sam slid under the truck to narrowly escape the lioness. Even though there was more than enough ground clearance, the lioness did not go under the truck to attack Sam, as though the truck's frame were a barrier. The lioness could have easily crawled under the truck (unless a CGI lioness is not as spry or nimble as a "real" lioness). Sam being under the truck would not constitute adequate protection from an attacking lioness. (01:10:30 - 01:35:20)

Stupidity: Crystal knows she is being hunted and in a very dangerous life-threatening situation yet, after she kills "Ma and Pops" in their Main Street Market, she grabs only a few shotgun shells out of the open box instead of taking all of them or as many as she could find. Also, she walks some distance to the store but did not take anything to drink or eat. (00:27:00 - 00:27:55)

Stupidity: A zombie is climbing up the apartment wall and is almost at Aidan's balcony railing. Instead of trying to push the Zombie off while he had the advantage (and there was a surfboard on the balcony that could have been used), Aidan ran inside and locked the door to the balcony. This furthered the plot and added excitement by having zombies coming at Aidan from multiple directions. (00:43:09)

Stupidity: When Liz sees the dead deer blocking her lane, instead of merely going around it (using the opposing lane on a rural road without jeopardizing her safety), she exits her vehicle - leaving her three-year-old daughter unattended in the back seat - to "look" at the deer. This furthers the plot by giving the "werewolf" opportunity to attack and kill her... as well as her daughter Miley. (00:42:35)

Stupidity: This lady lives in the United States, she obviously doesn't have a criminal record, she can go buy a handgun or rifle, heck she can buy a handgun and rifle and extra magazines and ammo to defend herself, but she chooses golf clubs and baseball bats and mace. (00:00:01 - 01:20:00)

Stupidity: Becky possessed the mysterious key that the four neo-Nazi prison escapees were at the lake house to retrieve. Becky didn't know what the key was for, so did not have a vested interest in it. By first denying that she knew where the key was and later refusing to give it to Dominick, her father was killed. Had Becky simply handed over the key when Dominick asked for it, it is possible no-one would have been hurt/ killed. Becky keeping the key with no importance to her served to further the plot.