Factual error: There is one scene in the movie where Heath Ledger reads a Latin sentence in a book. As he is translating the sentence, he goes over the words one by one with his finger. This would never be possible in a Latin sentence, because words in Latin are never - I repeat: never - in exactly the same order as in English. Words that actually belong together can be placed on opposite ends of a sentence.

Factual error: The spiders shown in the movie have no adhesive pads like real spiders, but only sharp points on the tips of their legs. Given the mutation, this is possible, but without their gripping apparatus, they should not be able to climb up anything. (01:00:10)

Factual error: The moving truck that transports the Perron family's belongings didn't exist in 1971. It is a 1973 model or newer.

Factual error: In order to be electrocuted you need to connect a high voltage to a low voltage. Touching a power line does not get you electrocuted unless you make contact with the ground. So electrocuting the locusts by making them fly against a powerline can not work because they are not 'grounded'.

Factual error: The geography of London is all wrong. When Howard Keel leaves the Eye Hospital (in Kings Cross) he turns a corner and ends up in Lincoln's Inn Fields (where he sees a dog being killed by a Triffid), he then exits the park and ends up in Victoria Train Station. All these locations are several miles apart.
Suggested correction: The station appeared to be Marylebone rather than Victoria, which would have placed him even further away from where he needed to be (Waterloo). Also, he then takes an abandoned car on the south side of Westminster bridge and a few moments later is driving with St Pauls in the background. Completely the wrong direction.

Factual error: In the very beginning of the film, the priest is walking through a battlefield that contains the bodies of Roman soldiers (they are wearing distinctive Roman uniforms and armor), which dates the battle no later than 6th century AD. He is holding a rosary in his hand, but the rosary wasn't introduced into the Catholic Church until the 13th century.

Factual error: In the scene when the kids are on the boat hunting the snakeheads, Amber fires at least eight shots from a six shot, snub-nose revolver. Her friend then grabs the gun and fires two more shots from it.

Factual error: Towards the last scene, Howell and Hauer share the same shotgun (Ryder to take pop shots at Jim in the jeep, Jim to ultimately fire three shots to kill Ryder). The shotgun used can hold at most seven or eight shells, not the 12 or more that are fired between Ryder and Jim starting from when Ryder escaped the bus.

Factual error: The Sensory Deprivation Tank used in the film is an MRI machine. It has no doors and makes far too much noise to allow for sensory deprivation. (00:47:15)

Factual error: In Las Vegas Paris and The Vencian are not next to each other. They farther part then that. Next to Paris is Ballys. (00:53:10)

Factual error: The crew gasses out the ant hill by dropping chemical grenades into the hole. But there are two reality mistakes about the grenades: 1) chemical grenades do not explode; they spray their contents into the area; and 2) considering the size of the ants, the size of their nest must be gigantic, and therefore, it would take more than a hundred grenades to flood it completely with cyanide gas.

Factual error: In relation to the position of the sewage workers shadow, and the way Jason kills him, there is no way that the splatter of blood would have hit the wall the way it does. In addition the blood looks like paint. (01:27:20)

Factual error: When the FBI agents are shooting Jason, 2 things happen that shouldn't, 1. His machete is shot but doesn't move, the force from the bullet would cause the knife to move. 2. When the bullets hit the knife, they cause sparks, bullets never cause sparks when they hit metal.

Factual error: Spoiler: In the scene toward the end of the movie when the dad is burned alive, his skin is completely black but his clothes are still on and intact, just blackened. With fire hot enough to completely blacken the skin, it would have burnt the clothes completely off (or at most they would have been shredded rags). (01:51:25)

Factual error: When Christine is about to crush Moochie you see the car is a few inches wider than the entrance to the loading dock. Even a small box truck that you can rent is 7'3" wide so that opening would have to be wider than that for the truck to back in. A 1958 Plymouth Fury is only 6'6" wide. Christine would have had plenty of room to just drive in and crush Moochie. (01:45:45)
Suggested correction: Just to the side there is a sign saying fork lift loading area. A fork lift is much narrower than a truck or a car.
Not disagreeing that a forklift couldn't go down there but @ 1:05:28 you see DANGER spray painted on the right in yellow on the bricks. Below that you see a yellow sign with black letters that say FORKLIFT AREA. Does not say "loading area." Also notice the black rubber bumper that goes across the entire length of the loading dock. That is there to cushion the trailer or box truck when it touches the loading dock. Then the yellow black yellow bumper that goes around the inside of the area is there to protect the building when the driver is backing up with either a trailer or a box truck.

Factual error: The dying colonel opens the bomb bay doors, and drops the "little man" atomic weapon on the island, destroying the flying reptiles. In fact, the bomb and the fusing assemblies were transported to Tinian by separate methods. No one in his right mind would have loaded a FUSED atomic bomb into a B-29 to transport it to Tinian.

Factual error: In the DVD theatrical trailer for "Carrie," Stephen King's name is misspelled. It is spelled "Steven".

Factual error: When Brian fires a rifle at the shark from the boat, he fires the rifle multiple times very quickly. The rifle he is using is a bolt action rifle, which must have a bolt part moved before each fire. He does not touch the bolt.

Factual error: The Song "Looking for the Magic" by the Dwight Twilley Band plays on repeat several times throughout the movie, however it comes up as track 1 on the CD player each time."Looking for the Magic" was never the first track on a Dwight Twilley CD - It was track 2 on the group's 'Twilley Don't Mind' album released in 1977. You can tell the disc is not a homemade mix CD by the printing on the top of the CD the first time it is placed in the tray.

Factual error: Unless Marion has a ridiculously large front room, the guns should have come down as he was blasting the zombie with the shotgun.