Factual error: The "hard suits" the divers wear have soft, relatively normal gloves and soft joints. More akin to a football uniform with armor over spandex. They are at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, at 36,0000 feet below sea level. The pressure is over 7,000 psi. Without a hard suit, they would instantly be crushed.

Factual error: In the final scene where the gas grill blows up, the arm that falls to the table in front of the mother is not from a teenager - it is nearly twice as large as the young man's arms (as previously seen in multiple scenes). Some people say it's a leg, but if that's so it's a bit odd having fingers on the right side of it... (01:25:11)

Factual error: When you see the blind Syndey walk through her appartment she keeps touching the walls to feel where she is. A person who has been blind for over 20 years (as is mentioned in the film) knows the way around their own home. They know preciseley how many steps it is from room to room. They wouldn't keep touching the wall like this.

Factual error: When they are eating, there's a box of chicken labelled PFK (Poulet Frit a la Kentucky), the French equivalent of KFC. This film takes place in the USA, but was filmed in Canada where most products are labelled in English and French.

Factual error: When J.D. gets killed, Vince's leg shakes. Vince is suppose to be paralyzed. Even if he was extremely scared, his leg shouldn't have been able to move no matter how much he tried. It happens again later in the movie. (00:30:55)
Suggested correction: During the film, its never discussed whether or not Vince is paralyzed. He may just have a damaged spine. The scene where his foot is shaking, the entire camera frame is pointing directly at his feet. Seems unlikely that would have been included, if he was playing a paraplegic.

Factual error: While Sgt Howie (dressed as Punch) is being chased by the women, you can see autumn leaves on the grass, though the story is set on the 1st of May.

Factual error: There is a scene near the beginning of the movie when the mist has just begun. A firetruck roars by, and has Caddo Parish Fire Dept. on the side. This movie is set in Maine. Louisiana is the only state with parishes. All others, including Maine, have counties. (00:10:50)

Factual error: In the scene where the cast find the guns in the tiny coffins, they mention that it is not possible to tell if they are loaded because the clips are welded. Being semi-automatic pistols, simply pulling back the slide & ejecting the first round would have easily determined whether live or blank rounds had been loaded.

Factual error: When Julia goes to see her childhood psychologist, there is a fish in a bowl sitting next to the window. This would kill a fish within a day or two because of the heat being magnified by the window.

Factual error: At the end of the movie there is the chase scene through the hedge maze in the dead of winter in Colorado. While Jack Nicholson runs after his son in a winter setting you cannot see their breath in what would be the cold night air.

Factual error: When the babies are born, there are no umbilical cords.

Factual error: When Jamie and the cop are in the room upstairs and Michael is breaking through the door, The cop shoots ten shots out of a revolver without reloading.

Factual error: On the hike to the cave, Sarah and her friends encounter a deer carcass - a red stag, which are not found in North Carolina.

Factual error: Asystole (the lack of cardiac activity, also known as the 'flatline') is not treated with defibrillation (electric shocks) but with alternating doses of the drugs epinephrine and atropine.

Factual error: During the credits, as the house is shown, a paper wasp nest is shown hanging from the eaves. Crawling all over it are honeybees, which do not live in paper nests.

Factual error: The "big giveaway" that happens at 9pm across the whole country would have to happen at least five different consecutive times due to time zones. The "big giveaway" in the most eastern time zone would be successful, but further west it would be earlier than 9pm.

Factual error: When any character's automatic pistol runs out of bullets, the slide doesn't lock open. All the weapons shown are of a type which should.

Factual error: Alice isn't superhuman in the scene of the Tower Swing. But at the rate she is falling, she would both hit the ground before the cable would be under tension, and even if the prison was high enough, it would probably shatter every bone in her shoulder when it does become tensioned. (01:01:00)

Factual error: When the group discovers the armoured truck in the woods, the officer says it's from the 1950's. After they open the door and are looking at the money, it looks brand new. Money sitting in the weather and heat would get mouldy and deteriorate after 50 plus years.

Factual error: Rowan has been frozen since at least 2010 because that's when the Cryo machine was made. The android says she has been out for 4.55 centuries. With it being 2455 it would be 4.45 centuries. Pretty simple mathematical mistake for a robot. (00:16:20)