Factual error: The dying colonel opens the bomb bay doors, and drops the "little man" atomic weapon on the island, destroying the flying reptiles. In fact, the bomb and the fusing assemblies were transported to Tinian by separate methods. No one in his right mind would have loaded a FUSED atomic bomb into a B-29 to transport it to Tinian.
Factual error: Several times during the film, the "ebb and flow" of the combatants is mentioned. At the time of the film, July 1945, the Japanese were concerned about fortifying the home islands, not retaking islands far from Japan proper. No real explanation for the presence of a US "deuce-and-a-half" sitting at the Japanese encampment is offered.
Factual error: A Zero flies at about 330 MPH and these "Pterosaurs" have no problem keeping up with them and even overtaking them. However a Peregrine falcon (the fastest bird on earth) has an average horizontal speed of 65 MPH and a max dive speed of 240 MPH. I won't guess how fast a Pterosaur could fly, but 300 MPH?