Factual error: In the scene where Noah analyses the tape, he says that the 'timecode' seems to be invalid and says that every tape has a track where you can see what device was used to record it, etc. The video technology explanation originates from the original, Ringu, with the plot of The Ring changed to make it more applicable to average Americans. But a VHS tape does not have a special track for timecode. It is possible to lay a timecode onto the tape in either an analogue form via a special audio channel, or as digital information on lines 16 and 18 of the vertical interval. But this 'timecode' is only used for professional video editing. A standard VCR, like the one they were playing the tape on, does not use this, and therefore makes Noah's explanation a minute of utter nonsense.

Factual error: After the scene where they fall over the waterfall, and go through what they have left of the equipment. Bill, the Latino doctor, holds up the CD-reader from a desktop computer and says that the hard drive is broken, which would be OK if he actually had the hard drive present. (00:34:35)

Factual error: It is not possible to have a conjoined twin of the opposite sex. They are similar to identical twins, which are always of the same sex, in that they are formed from a single zygote. In the case of conjoined twins, the zygote fails to divide normally.
Suggested correction: There are always exceptions to the rules and, although VERY rare, it IS possible for conjoined twins to be - rather, end up being - different sexes. There are about 10 documented cases. In one case, is my understanding the conjoined twins started out as males but a genetic mutation (or something) occurred and one male lost his Y chromosome, thereby developing into a female with no ovaries. (The now-female twin would have so-called Turner Syndrome.) I don't have any sources to quote off-hand.
The male would have lost his Y chromosome after the zygote "split", but he was a monozygotic male.

Factual error: There is no way in hell they can carry $200,000,000 in cash (over 4,000lbs), let alone load it on the helicopter.
Suggested correction: They never did and it was never the idea. They simply didn't figure out it's not physically possible. They took as much as they could from the vault in the much more limited time they had, and never got any of it to the helicopter (except for 1 small stack) anyway.
It's true that the team was not meant to recover all the money, but they didn't know that going in. How did Ward and Peters, who seem reasonably smart, not consider the weight when planning the heist? The deal Ward believed was "get paid $50 million to recover $200 million" not "grab what you can and good luck"
I suppose it could be counted as a stupidity, but I'm not sure anyone is really aware of the weight of 200 million in cash, even reasonably smart people. Never seen it, never weighed it.

Factual error: In the beginning a calendar says 2019 April, you can see April 1 being Tuesday when actually April 1 2019 was a Monday. (00:01:10)

Factual error: In the scene where Olivia's body is being removed from her home. Olivia was covered in blood, yet the sheet covering her has blood only in her chest area. The sheet would have had way more blood on it. Also, I'm an EMT, sheets are not used on victims that are dead. A body bag that zips closed and is made of rip proof plastic is used to transport deceased victims (especially if they are as bloody as Olivia was supposed to be). White sheets on a corpse are only seen in the morgue. (00:40:00)

Factual error: The priest says that St. John saw the number 666 in his vision, but it was actually 999 inverted. St. John wouldn't read modern Arabic numerals like we do, it would be Roman numerals. The number 666 would actually be DCLXVI. (01:05:40)

Factual error: The uniform the female soldier is wearing when she comes back home is all wrong: the camo pattern is that of the USMC digital desert uniform but it has "US ARMY" chest tags (in a strange size and position, by the way). The US flag and unit insignia are on the wrong arms. The cut of the jacket is ACU, the pants are true USMC. (00:15:00)

Factual error: The bandages for Freddie's stab wounds are on top of his shirt. If he were really stabbed severely three times on the shoulder, the paramedics would have at least make him take off his shirt to better dress the wound. Freddie didn't even take off his jacket!

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, the main characters are supposedly in Amsterdam, but everyone is speaking German, it's not just the main characters doing this.

Factual error: David Egan's obituary says he died on 'Wednesday July 5th 1997'. In 1997, July 5th was a Saturday. (00:45:30)

Factual error: When Steve Martin dies with the mask on, the inflation bulbs (the little black bags that inflate and deflate) deflate completely. Actually they should INFLATE completely and stay that way. The gas is still on full blast and Steve is no longer inhaling (which would cause them to deflate). It was done only to emphasize Steve Martin's demise but it's factually incorrect.

Factual error: While using the phone in his cell, Dr. Lecktor asks an operator to dial a Maryland area code, but is then connected to the University of Chicago. (00:30:10)

Factual error: The Swedish subtitlers made Amanda's situation even more tragic, incorrectly translating her dead cellmate as her dead soulmate. (00:24:40)

Factual error: When Virginia Madsen's character sees Candyman in the mental hospital, a male nurse calls for the injection of 1000 milliliters of sedative to calm her down. 1000 milliliters is equal to 1 liter, which certainly could not be injected, let alone as fast as it was.
Suggested correction: The nurse said 1000mg, which is true and accurate wording for medication.
First off, he actually said "bring me a thousand mills." Second, 1 gram equals 1 milliliter, one is liquid and one is solid.

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, it states that every 23rd Spring, for 23 days it eats. I am no farmer, but isn't there that saying KNEE HIGH BY FORTH OF JULY? From the looks of that corn, it looks like it is October or even November...Definately NOT SPRING in TEXAS.

Factual error: When Kharis is being examined by Petrie, he says that the lines on his face were caused by him being buried alive. In the next sentence he goes on to say that Kharis shows the best example of the embalmer's art that he has ever seen. Strange - if you're planning on burying someone alive you wouldn't embalm them first - that process would kill them!

Factual error: The teens are traveling presumably along the Meadowbrook or Wantagh parkways, when they enter Jones Beach. They see a sign just before the beach entrance that says "New York: 93 miles", when Jones Beach is less than 15 miles from NYC limits and approximately 25-30 miles from Manhattan.

Factual error: When the shark swims towards the glass, it doesn't move its tail. Sharks have to swing their tail in order to swim. There is no way this shark could be moving.

Factual error: The rifles the British soldiers carried in the film were Lee Enfield rifle No. 4's, these did not go into production until WW2. They should have been using an earlier version of the Lee Enfield rifle.