Factual error: The "hard suits" the divers wear have soft, relatively normal gloves and soft joints. More akin to a football uniform with armor over spandex. They are at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, at 36,0000 feet below sea level. The pressure is over 7,000 psi. Without a hard suit, they would instantly be crushed.

Factual error: The soldiers had 506 Regiment's helmet markings of the 101st Airborne, and on their sleeves the 82nd Airborne and 1st Division shoulder patches.

Factual error: It is later revealed that Detective Banks partner faked his death by killing a meth-head junkie with the same tattoo as him. He included the junky's filleted skin with the same tattoo in a box with his badge to make it look like the other kills. Police, firefighters, first responders all provide DNA into a data bank to be identified in case something tragic happens and their remains are recovered. William Schenk's DNA would not have matched that of what was in the box.
Suggested correction: William knows that the cops will find out that he's not really dead one way or another. After all, he literally confronts Zeke and reveals he's still alive, knowing there's a good chance Zeke wouldn't take his offer to join him. All he's really doing is throwing off the cops and buying himself a few days when they think he's dead. (Since it can take a few days for DNA analysis to happen.) By the time they figure out he's not dead, he'll have already finished his game and disappeared. Which is ultimately what happens... he finishes his final game with Zeke and Marcus, then gets away.

Factual error: Apex, played by Robert Maillet (a retired professional wrestler 6'11" and 350 pounds), forcefully slams Becky (played by 5' tall fifteen-year-old Lulu Wilson who probably weighs under 100 pounds) horizontally with her back hitting the ground from waist-high yet Becky is able to get up with no incapacitating injury that would be expected. Becky also manages to brutally kill him (as well as the three other neo-Nazis).

Factual error: The car's cigarette lighter pops out (ready to use), and Bo exits the vehicle carrying the still-lit lighter, glowing like a flashlight. Nearly a minute and a half later, the cigarette lighter is still fully glowing - but car cigarette lighters only stay lit for a much shorter period of time. (01:20:00 - 01:21:23)

Factual error: Trevor was driving ECTO-1 at over 60 mph. Podcast was driving the remote car and it was pulling away from ECTO-1. There is no way that the remote car could be going faster than ECTO-1, unless it was souped up, which it didn't appear to be when looking at it.
Suggested correction: There are plenty of RC cars on the market right now that anyone could buy that are capable of going 60+ MPH (the fastest can hit about 100 MPH). And if you take them apart, they don't look "souped up" at all. They just look like regular RC cars inside. Components don't have to look fancy to function fancily. You also have to account for the fact that the movie is highly fantastical, so there's no telling what kind of technology the RC car uses... for all we know, it could be nuclear-powered like the proton packs.

Factual error: It would have been impossible for the woman to have fallen into the hole on her own and get impaled by the stakes like she did. In order for the woman to land face-up on her back and get impaled by stakes straight up (perpendicular to the ground), she would need to be dropped from above the hole. Even then, the chances of getting impaled like she did would be around zero because her upper body, weighing more than her lower body, would fall faster and hit first at an angle. (00:14:33)

Factual error: When Jung-seok is trying to get his sister away from her son, he begins shooting at a zombie that begins charging at him, and he falls on his back. Behind him, another zombie is shown with two other zombies lying on top of him. The zombie then manages to stand himself up, with almost no struggle and this also prompts the two zombies to fly off him. This move completely defies the laws of physics. This zombie should have the strength of an average man, and the two other zombies should be of equal, or at least somewhere near, the same weight as him. He was only using his arms and back to stand himself up, so realistically, the moment of him trying to stand up should have taken a lot more strength and a bit more struggle than what was shown. (00:08:13)

Factual error: The force with which Paul thrust the knife into John's stomach, plus the amount of time that the knife was digging into John's stomach as Paul suspended him against the wall, would cause a severe, incapacitating injury - or death. John should have been rendered incapable of even crawling along the floor, but he managed to get up soon thereafter and chase/ fight with Paul in the woods. Miraculously, John also did not seek or undergo any treatment for the stab wound. (01:14:14)
Suggested correction: Whether he should have died is entirely dependent on if he hit any major arteries or organs. Being stabbed in the gut is not an instant death sentence. Additionally, he's running on adrenaline and shock... there have been numerous times someone has been shot or stabbed and been able to run away or fight back in real life. Also, he literally fainted before he could seek out medical treatment, so I'm not sure what your comment about "miraculously" not seeking medical treatment is about. That's 100% conjecture on your part. And conjecture based on no evidence is not a mistake. Obviously he was given medical treatment after he passed out.

Factual error: 1. Turntables used by radio stations have no repeat play function; they are strictly manual operation. 2. Even if they did, continuous play of one 45rpm record would have eventually elicited a skip, and later the complete wearing through of the vinyl by friction of the needle. (01:25:40)