Character mistake: Patrick, being the music buff that he is, mistakenly claims that Huey Lewis' Fore! came out in 1987, when it was actually released in 1986.

Character mistake: After Ricky has just killed his girlfriend with the car antenna, he's challenged by a police officer. Officers would never walk right up to someone who have just committed a murder. Police would always order the suspect into a position that presents the least amount of threat and minimal chance of resistance. Grabbing the officer's gun would never had been an option.

Character mistake: When Polly answers the phone and is told of the log drifting in the channel, she immediately yells to Sean and tells him this. However, she does not leave enough time for the caller to be able to tell her all this, she leaves 1-2 seconds before passing it on to Sean.

Character mistake: In one of the National Tattler headlines, the word "pursues" is misspelled "persues". (00:52:15)

Character mistake: John, a doctor, doesn't tilt his daughter's head back as he gives her CPR.

Character mistake: In the scene in David's office, David tells Jessie that Marius is as "close as we have come to the original vampire" then gives her Lestat's diary which states that the original vampires are Akasha and Enkil.

Character mistake: When Gerry is in Camp Humphreys, the leader of the group there tells him to make sure Maverick keeps the nose of the plane pointed towards the sun. However, since they're going to Jerusalem, and it's night time, they would likely be headed West, therefore not towards the sun but rather in the opposite direction. (00:48:40)

Character mistake: When Laurie and Annie are on their way to babysit, and they see Annie's dad, the cop, as soon as they pull up to say hi and roll the window down, he mixes the two names up, and calls Laurie Annie, and Annie Laurie. You'd think he knows his own daughter's name. (00:32:10)

Character mistake: When Nicholas Cage bumps into the beehive, he sees the bees coming towards him and runs towards all the other beehives. Given that he bumped into the beehive on the outer edge, it would have been safer, quicker and much less risky to run back the way he came to escape than run towards all the other bee hives. To complicate things Cage knew he was severely allergic to bees.

Character mistake: At the police station, the detective calls, "George Swinton," but the name is Stewart, not George.

Character mistake: During an intermission following Dmitri's revenge after the attempted hit on him, the Chief of staff discusses the data with Dr. Updale. There's a pie chart in the screen in the background, and the segments are; 5%, 25%, 16%, 14% and 50%, which add to...110%. It's not a pie chart, it's a pie and a slice. (00:50:15)

Character mistake: Colonel Breen theorises to Quatermass that the spaceship is an experimental German V-weapon from the second world war: However according to the story, the underground station (Hobbs End) was dug in 1927: The V-weapons first landed in London in 1944, so how was it possible for a V-weapon to land where it did underground, impacted soild in clay right next to a deep level underground railway station seventeen years later without anyone noticing at the time? Breen should realise that his theory makes no sense.

Character mistake: Bud keeps calling Sarah "Ma'am." Sarah is a corporal. Corporals don't get called ma'am or sir in the US Army. Bud has been in the Army for seven months. No soldier would make this mistake after the third week of boot camp. Anytime you call an enlisted man or NCO sir, you are looking at about 20-50 push-ups or sit-ups to correct you. It's conditioned into you.

Character mistake: When the housekeeper shows the new nanny, Mrs Baylock, where to go, she says,"Round that corner to the right and it's the door facing you." So what does the nanny do? She turns left.

Character mistake: After Dimitri put Leena's wrist bands on for her (through the door slot), Leena said, "I want to do something nice for you; you can come in." Dimitri agreed, and Leena pulled up a chair to stand on (to be his height) and caress his face/ hair. When Leena bent in to kiss him, she banged his head against the wall several times, killing him. As a "Saarne Instituute" security member, Dimitri should know not to get sexually involved with or trust a patient, especially the most dangerous one. (00:10:29 - 00:11:29)

Character mistake: At the beginning of the film, the officer states that the kid taken was named Jeremy Jenner, when he was in fact named Darius Jenner.

Character mistake: When Detective Mike walked past 13-year-old Andy and his friends (depicted as neighborhood children or young teens), he said, "Little f-ing millennials." Millennials were born between 1981 - 1996, so their current ages would be 26 - 41 (or about three years younger when the movie was made). Andy and his friends would fall under Generation Z ("Zoomers"), born between 1997 - 2012 (current ages 10 - 25 or 3 years younger when the movie was made). (00:25:52)

Character mistake: After Mort finds the two bodies in the truck, he makes a great effort to avoid leaving any fingerprints on the door handle and also on the screwdriver he removed from the one body and takes with him. However, when he's pushing the car towards the cliff, he reaches in the window to grab the steering wheel with his bare hand, leaving his prints all over it and uses his other hand to push the truck.

Character mistake: Laura is on the floor, screaming and exhibiting bizarre behaviour, so Dr. Rose Cotter goes to the wall phone to call for help. Instead of maintaining observation and continuing an evaluation of Laura, the psychiatrist faces the wall while making the call and even stares at the wall for a couple of seconds after hanging up. A patient's body language can/do help make a diagnosis, so the psychiatrist should keep her eyes on Laura. (00:11:20)

Character mistake: Sally and Franklin's last name is Hardesty, but for some reason Franklin refers to their old home as the "Franklin place."