Character mistake: When Edward leaves Forks, he does it because he believes that he will be protecting Bella. Except that he seemed to have forgotten that Victoria was still in Forks and was intent on killing Bella.

Character mistake: In the part after the premonition when everyone runs out of the speedway, Cynthia Daniels yells "Andy" to her husband, when her husband's name is Carter.
Suggested correction: Cynthia isn't the one saying it. Nadia, Andy's girlfriend, is calling after Andy as she follows him out. If you listen closely she actually calls after him more than once, beginning before Carter even starts to follow them out.

Character mistake: When Tallahassee firsts meets Bill Murray, He says "six people left in the world and you're one of them." At that point they only know of 5 - the 4 main characters and Bill Murray.
Suggested correction: His character thinks there was another woman that Columbus hooked up with in the back of a FedEx truck.

Character mistake: When Bower is banging on Payton's hyper sleep chamber from the outside it says Payton, but when it cuts to looking from inside out, it says Bower.

Character mistake: John, a doctor, doesn't tilt his daughter's head back as he gives her CPR.

Character mistake: When John and Cassie are in the school library and look up about the disease, the book caption reads: "arm amuptation." The word amputation is misspelled.

Character mistake: At the hospital, the inspector manages to get from the nurse the file of the patient with the liver condition. Forgetting the fact that the Turin, Italy hospital is using English for its documents (it's simply a cinematic convention), the problem is that the letterhead of this document says "Department of Chronic Deseases", misspelling the word.