Joseph Kennedy: You'll never be great.

Ernest Burkhart: Can you find the wolves in this picture?

Nefer: No. I brought you here only to show you the gate in my garden wall. Later, when all of my guests have gone... I will be here by my lotus pool.
Sinuhe: Why do you tell me this?
Nefer: Perhaps because I am fond of gifts, and the greatest gift any man can bring to a woman is his innocence, which he can give only once.

Edward II: I here create thee Lord High Chamberlain, Chief Secretary to the State and me, Earl of Cornwall, King and Lord of Man.
Piers Gaveston: My Lord, these titles far exceed my worth.
Edward II: Thy worth sweet friend is far above my gifts. And therefore to equal it, receive my heart.

Steve Schmidt: What the fuck is the Alaska Independence Party and was she ever a member of it?
Tucker Eskew: The AIP is a political party whose sole platform is the secession of Alaska from the Union.
Steve Schmidt: Well ain't that a hoot.

Vera Brittain: At college, more than anywhere else, one was likely to make the friendships that supported one through life.

Kenny O'Donnell: They look warlike? Jesus Christ, we're lighting off nuclear weapons like its our own private Fourth of July.

Flight Lt. Peter Ross: Hello.
Maria Gonzar: Hello.
Flight Lt. Peter Ross: So... you weren't killed.
Maria Gonzar: No... I hardly ever am.

William Travis: One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.