Columbus: Why do you want to help me?
Santangel: Faith, hope, charity. But greater than all these is banking.

Ludwig van Beethoven: An artist is someone who has learnt to trust in himself.

Lt. Schill: It is a good feeling for a soldier if he knows that a girl is crying for him.

Col. Mathieu: To know them means to eliminate them. Consequently, the military aspect is secondary to the police method.

Arthur Eddington: If the cloud breaks quarter past two tomorrow, we look up into the heavens, take photographs of the eclipse, we will be scientists at our work. We'll be looking at the poetry of existence. And if Einstein's right, the Universe will never look the same again.

Jesus: Hate, anger, fear. Those are lies they use to turn you against each other. When you set aside the hate they force you to carry, that's when you know love is our true nature.

Saigo: We can die here, or we can continue fighting. Which would better serve the emperor?

John Walcott: We do not write for the people who send people's kids to war. We write for the people whose kids get sent to war.

Julius Ceasar: When Alexander the Great was ten years younger than I am today, he had conquered the entire civilized world.
Vercingetorix: At your age, he was dead.
Julius Ceasar: All the more reason to hurry.