Arthur Eddington: If the cloud breaks quarter past two tomorrow, we look up into the heavens, take photographs of the eclipse, we will be scientists at our work. We'll be looking at the poetry of existence. And if Einstein's right, the Universe will never look the same again.

Captain Bell - H.M.S. Exeter: Can reach Plymouth if ordered.

President Kennedy: Well, who the hell authorized this missile test?
Robert Kennedy: Who do you think? God knows what this is gonna communicate to the Soviets.
Kenny O'Donnell: Communicate with the Soviets? We can't communicate with the Pentagon - and it's just across the goddamn river.

Minister Tormer: There's not enough.
Avner Less: Enough what?
Minister Tormer: Enough hard evidence that his lawyer can't chip away at in court, or get him extradited to Germany. There's no death penalty in Germany. Which is ironic.

Edith: You think that's all religion is about... selling hope and survival?

Professor Godbhole: Nothing you do will change the outcome.
Richard Fielding: So "Do nothing!" Is that your philosophy?
Professor Godbhole: My philosophy is you can do what you like... but the outcome will be the same.

Mark Felt: The White House is packing all its crimes in separate little boxes. Watergate, the spying, the ugliness, the rot. Each thing in a different box so that no-one can put it together, so that no-one sees it's all connected. And no-one will care, but it's all the same big thing.
Sandy Smith: And Watergate? Just the gateway.

Col. Mathieu: Should we remain in Algeria? If you answer "yes," then you must accept all the necessary consequences.

Louis Simo: Lady, I can nail you with this.
Leonore Lemmon: D'Artagnan, you couldn't nail me with roses and a trip to Vegas.

Joseph Kennedy: You'll never be great.