Nelson Mandela: I have walked a long walk to freedom. It has been a lonely road, and it is not over yet. I know that my country, was not made to be a land of hatred. No one is born hating another person because the color of his skin. People learn to hate. They can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart.

Hunlun: My son has won the world. Still he must conquer that red-headed Jezebel.

John Walcott: We do not write for the people who send people's kids to war. We write for the people whose kids get sent to war.

King Henry V: Customs curtsy to great kings. We are the makers of manners, Kate.

Mark Felt: The White House is packing all its crimes in separate little boxes. Watergate, the spying, the ugliness, the rot. Each thing in a different box so that no-one can put it together, so that no-one sees it's all connected. And no-one will care, but it's all the same big thing.
Sandy Smith: And Watergate? Just the gateway.

Calamity Jane: Tip your hat when you speak to a lady.
Wild Bill Hickok: I will... when I speak to a lady.

Rachel Grover: Oh, Tammy Faye. You follow blindly. In the end, all you are is blind.

Daniel: They have an afterworld of their own.
Father Laforgue: They have no concept of one.
Daniel: Annuka told me they believe that in the forest at night the dead can see. The souls of men hunt the souls of animals.
Father Laforgue: Is that what she told you? It is childish, Daniel.
Daniel: Is it harder to believe in than Paradise where we all sit on clouds and look at God?

Dick Goodwin: You know, money isn't everything.
Sandra Goodwin: I'm not the one who came home with a Chrysler catalogue.