Juge: What is your name?
Jeanne d'Arc: In France, I am called Joan... in my village, I am called Jeanneton.
Jeanne d'Arc: I have never wronged anyone.
Jeanne d'Arc: Dear God, I accept my death gladly but do not let me suffer too long. Will I be with You tonight in Paradise?
Évêque Pierre Cauchon (Bishop Pierre Cauchon): How do you know a good angel from an evil angel?
Évêque Pierre Cauchon (Bishop Pierre Cauchon): Why do you wear men's clothing? If we give you woman's clothing, would you wear it?
Jeanne d'Arc: When the mission that God has entrusted to me is over, I will again dress as a woman.
Juge: Has God promised you things?
Jeanne d'Arc: That has nothing to do with this trial.
Jeanne d'Arc: You claim that I am sent by the Devil. It's not true. To make me suffer, the Devil has sent you... and you... and you... and you.