Factual error: When we meet Nana and Demon's pups, Nana is a border collie, and Demon is a Siberian Husky, therefore, the pups should be mixed breeds. But it is easy to tell that these puppies are purebred huskies, not mixed breeds.

Factual error: When they are making the room for the babies, they show the months that are going by, but the mom never has a pregnant belly.

Factual error: When Edgar the Butler directs the Old Solicitor upstairs they have a bit of a struggle with the steps. Before this you saw the Solicitor arriving in his car and this gave you an impression how high the first floor of the building of the Old Spinster was. Judging by the amount of steps on the stairs the pair would have ended up on the roof.

Factual error: Towards the end of the song "Out There" Quasimodo climbs onto the large spire on the roof. That spire was added in the 19th century and thus didn't exist when the movie was set.

Factual error: Under the rules of Major League Baseball, a team owner cannot also serve as the team's manager; it constitutes a conflict of interest.

Factual error: Towards the end when the smugglers are trying to takeoff from the airport with the float coming at them, Marcel (the lead smuggler) tells Tipa (the fat smuggler) to pull up because they're about to hit the float. Tipa quickly pulls back on the flight controls to takeoff. The scene switches to an outside shot of the plane's wing where the "flap" moves to the down position, but pulling back on the controls manipulates the "elevator" (on the tail) which would cause it to pivot upward. The flaps are controlled separately. (01:20:40)

Factual error: At the end of the first semifinal, as Cheng's gang gather to congratulate him, the events are being recorded for posterity by a photographer standing about 6 feet away, who, unfortunately is using at least a 200mm lens. I'm not sure he could even get Cheng's left eye into focus.

Factual error: The super glue (after sitting that long) wouldn't be wet enough for the earpiece to stick almost permanently to Marty's ear.

Factual error: While the Stevens family were on the plane they could see the island from the window and it was a small and "green" piece of land. However during the movie there is a scene meant to be taken at the same island which shows the recording studio, personnel and extras of the Family Fakeout reality show and you can see that it is in a wide and open space. This place couldn't be seen by the family when they were on the plane.

Factual error: In the scene where the Iron Giant is spinning the boy around in a junk car he is holding, notice that the car resembles a 1959 Cadillac...however since the film is set around 1957, this is not a likely car to be found anywhere yet, much less a junk yard. (00:46:20)

Factual error: At one point in the film there is footage on the news of Mystery Inc's embarrassing attempt to stop the ghouls from stealing costumes. In particular, it focuses on Shaggy and Scooby being dragged across the table, etc. But look at the angle it's taken from: no one could have taken that.

Factual error: In the PALOMINO scenes, Anthony Perkins wears a long lab coat. In most of the scenes, it hangs straight down; but in the low gravity aboard the ship it should be flattering about (that's why such loose garments are not worn by real-life cosmonauts; they would be a hindrance).

Factual error: When Smithers (not identified by name in the movie) gives Alex his kit, it includes a fountain pen which shoots a dart filled with Sodium Pentathal. That's supposed to cause a person to do what Alex says. Sodium Pentathal is a form of barbiturate. Barbiturates cause impaired coordination, therefore it's unlikely that Mr. Grin could have flown a helicopter under its effects.

Factual error: When the boys get off the cranium shaker about ten people follow them out of the exit gate The ride only seats four.

Factual error: When the Yankees play Boston, a dirt path is visible going from home to the pitcher's mound. Fenway Park, where the Red Sox play, has never had such a thing.

Factual error: As Shrek is sitting near the sunflowers field and staring at the Duloc (and day becomes night), we don't see the cathedral anywhere. It should be visible as such a big building, due to how big it is seen later, it should be very distinct over the houses' roofs.

Factual error: The movie was set in the mid-to-late 1940s, however, the red wagons shown in the display in Higbee's corner window at the beginning of the film, bear a Radio Flyer script logo which was designed in 1967. (00:03:10)

Factual error: In the cricket match, a number of things happen that are highly questionable. When the player is bowled, the bowler appeals, something that is only done if the umpire's opinion is required, which in this case it isn't. Even after the appeal, the umpire shakes his head, which in cricket, indicates that the batsman is not out. Only a raised finger or perhaps a nod would be out. To the uninitiated, the equivalent in baseball would be for the umpire to call "ball" and have the batsman walk off the ground as though he had struck out, instead of taking first base. (00:33:10)

Factual error: When Fievel is being dressed by the pigeon there are two American flags in the background. The flags have too many stars for the mid 1880s, when the movie is set.

Factual error: In the scene where Robert Duvall, Michael Caine and Haley Joel Osment are in a general store/coffee shop and the young punks come in, there is a Coca-Cola machine shown that has the "Wave" logo and a slogan that was used in the 1970s, not in the time period in which the movie took place (1950s/60s). (00:47:20)