Factual error: In one game the camera pans to Herb and behind him we can see a man wearing an Under Armor hat. Under Armor didn't come out until 1996.

Factual error: In the scene immediately following Harry and Hermione's travel back through time, she tells him, "It's 7:30." The clock, however, is striking the bells for an hour, not a half-hour. (01:43:45)

Factual error: In the scene where Taylor is trying to prove to Gabriella that Troy is a dumb jock who doesn't care about her, Troy is in the locker room with his friends. Troy's friends are recording Troy on a camera attached to a PC, and the image is seen on Taylor's PC. The message on Taylor's PC says an incorrectly spelled 'Recieving WiFi Signal' instead of 'Receiving'. (01:00:55)

Factual error: A theater marquee is visible promoting the showing of a film called Tribeca Follies. The acronym "Tribeca" - an amalgamation of "Triangle Below Canal [Street]" - didn't come into usage until the 1970s.

Factual error: In the beginning of the film, the Dowager Empress Marie states that the year is 1916 and that they are celebrating the 300th anniversary of their family's rule. The 300th anniversary actually took place in 1913. (00:01:05)

Factual error: Shane is a lieutenant and the Principal is Petty Officer first class. Shane states the Principal is the senior officer. This is wrong as the Petty Officer is a Non Commissioned Officer, while Shane is a commissioned officer. Shane outranks the Principal.

Factual error: The electric guitar Marty plays at the "Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" is a Gibson ES345. This guitar model debuted between 1957 and 1958 yet he's supposedly playing it in 1955. It would have been more accurate to have him using a Fender Telecaster (1950) or Stratocaster (1954) or a Gibson Les Paul (1952). (01:23:50)

Factual error: If the Russian cosmonauts need special suits to survive out in space, so should Lacy when she is abducted by Nuclear Man. (00:02:50 - 01:20:20)

Factual error: While the problem with refuelling the SR71 is a real one for D.A.R.Y.L., he is never going to get that far. The SR71 had no self starters and required a trained crew with a starter generator mounted on a truck to get the engines going in the first place. D.A.R.Y.L. just pushes a button and away he goes. Not likely.

Factual error: When Woody is looking at Andy's high school graduation picture in his room, there is a concert ticket in the upper left corner of the screen and another one just below it for a band called "Humble Beginnings" both with a date of Saturday, November 17, 2009. This date fell on a Tuesday. (00:11:15)

Factual error: When Kevin's mom leaves Paris to return home, the plane shown departing the airport is a DC-9. No airline uses this plane for trans-Atlantic service - it doesn't have the required range.
Suggested correction: Although not explicitly mentioned, it could easily be a connecting flight which departs Europe from another airport. Potentially flying a short or medium range aircraft to reach a hub airport like Heathrow, then catching a trans-Atlantic flight back to the US.

Factual error: When the minions are attempting to purchase tickets to get in to see/steal the crown, the admission prices on the wall are priced as £s and pence (decimal currency). As this was 1968, Britain was still using pre-decimal pounds, shillings and pence.

Factual error: During the big Newsies rally when Medda is singing "High Times", as she is swinging, lighted exit signs can be seen. I don't believe that those were around in 1899.

Factual error: When hero boy and girl and Billy are on the runaway car at the north pole, they crash into the stopper at the end of the tracks. They are flung backwards when in reality, due to inertia, they should have been flung forward into the guard rail.

Factual error: The Robin that comes along in the movie is an American Robin, not a British Robin.

Factual error: When Howard is running after the bouncy ball he is on the second floor of the Mall of America, however, you see him run through the LEGO store which is located on the lowest floor of the Mall of America, which is impossible if he was on the second floor before.

Factual error: Dorothy tells Miss One that she lives at "433 Prospect Place." Dorothy is supposed to live in Harlem. Any New Yorker knows that there is no Prospect Place in Harlem. In reality, Prospect Place is in Brooklyn and is, in fact, where the street scenes for "Harlem" were filmed.

Factual error: The Liberty Bell is depicted ringing as the Declaration of Independence is being signed on July 4 (a mistake itself) in the film. The bell actually did not ring on that date, but on July 8, when the Declaration had been returned from the printer and unveiled to the public.

Factual error: The car accident involving the truck that killed Paul is not realistic. Paul made a left turn and upon completion of the turn, a truck suddenly plowed into him on the driver's side. For this to happen, the truck would have had to be going the wrong way on the same street Paul turned off in the opposite lanes. The movie made it look as if the truck ran a light in the intersection and sideswiped him. In addition, Terri said the other driver "ran a red light." This conflicts the scene - the truck would NOT have a light at all if being in the wrong lanes (the only way this could remotely happened the way the film shows).

Factual error: When Mike is leaving to join the Marines he is in full uniform. Uniforms are not issued to new recruits until after they are processed in. They arrive at Camp Pendleton in civvies.