Factual error: The house slides down the hill and breaks apart when Chowder pulls it down. It completely breaks apart. The furnace would have been destroyed, but the house rebuilds itself later on.

Factual error: When the police arrive at the Little house to take the "missing person" report, their car has a blue light on top. Police in New York display red lights.

Factual error: At the beginning of the film, after Eris gives her speech, we zoom in on a map of the Eastern Mediterranean - and the island of Cyprus is conspicuously missing (it's large enough to be seen on the map).

Factual error: When the train is travelling away from Paddington Station, the locomotive does not have a number on the buffer beam, but has a number plate on the smokebox door. It also has a large 'British Railways' symbol on the tender. In 1940, the Great Western Railway would have had the number on the buffer beam and a either a small GWR logo on the tender or Great Western in full. British Railways wasn't created until 1948.

Factual error: When Mouth flattens the tires on Brand's bike, all he does to let the air out is take the valve caps off. There's actually a valve in the valve stem that needs to be depressed to let the air out. The cap is just there to keep dirt out of the valve, simply taking it off wouldn't let the air out.

Factual error: There's a scene where Belle's father is riding away in the snow on his horse - the tracks left behind by the horse are exactly backwards. The round part of a horseshoe is at the front, not the back. (This was a deliberate 'in joke' done by the animators.)
Suggested correction: It is Belle who rides the horse in the snow, not Maurice. If we're talking about this being a mistake, then it could be a deliberate mistake, but if this was truly done as an in-joke, then I think it falls more under trivia. The tracks being backwards is factually incorrect, but it doesn't really fall under the category of "mistake" if it was deliberately done as a joke.

Factual error: Soccer officials are supposed to wear a color that is different than the teams he is officiating. The ref wears a blue shirt when officiating the tigers (who are blue) and then a black shirt when officiating the Gladiators (who are in black). The referee would have worn either his primary yellow for these or red, but never blue or black.

Factual error: Cody mentions the coordinates of the Cascade Mountains as: Long: 44 degrees 5' 2" Lat: -104 degrees 24' 8". There is no such thing as -104° latitude. The maximum in the northern hemisphere is +90° (the North Pole) and the maximum in the Southern Hemisphere is -90° (South Pole).

Factual error: The "Russian Blue" isn't a Russian Blue at all. Russian Blues have pointed faces and green eyes. The flat faced, orange eyed kitten is a British Shorthair AKA British Blue. (00:39:35)

Factual error: In the birthday party scene Sebastian gets thrown into the air and lands in the birthday cake. A couple of shots later we see that the cake is completely obliterated. There is no way a crab Sebastian's size could create that much damage to such a large cake.
Suggested correction: This is an example of cartoon physics that isn't supposed to reflect reality.

Factual error: Tintin says they only have one bullet left. That bullet is in the magazine,and since it is a semi automatic, there should also be one in the chamber, meaning they would have two bullets. Even if they only had that paticular bullet, he doesn't cock the gun, meaning the chamber would be empty and therefore wouldn't fire.

Factual error: Not long into the film, D'Artagnan jumps in some hay. There's a flag of the province of Québec (Canada) visible in the background. This film is set in France at a time this flag didn't even exist.

Factual error: Toward the end of the movie just as Austin and his team start the football game, the camera shows the scoreboard counting down from 15:00 minutes, the problem with this is high school football games are played in 12:00 minute quarters not 15:00.

Factual error: At what is supposed to be the Portland, Oregon station, the train cars and conductor's hat are prominently labeled for a Canadian railroad. Passenger trains from Canada do not travel as far south as Portland.

Factual error: When Young Hercules makes the pillars fall in a Domino effect, they go both ways. However, if this were to happen, they would stop the domino effect when they reach the entrance to the market, which doesn't have pillars. The pillars are not in a circle, so there's no way they can both stop at the top of the ring, where the pot seller is. The only way for this to work is if Hercules started the Domino effect at the entrance of the market, with pillars directly across from each other, which he doesn't.
Suggested correction: He throws the pillar he holds towards the opposite side causing it to fall as well.
They do a pulled back shot that shows it falling from the top of the ring.

Factual error: When the soldiers are asked to find out what gifts Andy is getting at his birthday party, the set out down stairs with half of a baby monitor. Well, any parent who owns one knows that there are 2 pieces to a baby monitor. One half (the larger half) is the receiving end (that takes in the noises) and a smaller half which is the transmitting part (the half that sends out the noises). The half that the soldiers take downstairs to talk through is the wrong half. They take the half that the noise comes OUT of. So, really, they should NOT be able to speak into this part - in real life, they'd hear what was happening up in Andy's room. (00:09:18)

Factual error: Iceland sure looks a lot like the California desert.

Factual error: The equation written on the board does not come out to be "11", in fact, it's not really solvable because it doesn't have 2 sides, just a "?" on one side.

Factual error: When Chitty Chitty Bang Bang arrives at the Potts' house, Grandpa Potts is sitting in a deckchair reading a very modern colour edition of National Geographic magazine.

Factual error: When Kevin and Abbey are getting off the train, Abbey pulls her hair into a ponytail, causing it to have a few lumps on the top. The next scene, when they are off the train, Abbey's hair is completely sleek.