Factual error: When the results list is posted at the regional competition. "Wooster, MA" is printed next to Zoey Bloch and Avril Dishaw. The correct spelling of the city is Worcester. Wooster is in Ohio.

Factual error: For a baseball movie, you would think they would have known the rules of the game better. There is a scene in which Henry uses the "hidden ball trick" to pick a runner off of first base. He stands on the rubber on the mound with only the rosin bag in his hand while the first basemen holds the ball. It is a violation for him to stand on the rubber or straddle it without the ball in his hand and is called a "balk". Technically the runner should have been awarded second base.

Factual error: Maleficent states that Princess Aurora will prick her finger on a spindle - the part of a spinning wheel that holds the bobbin. Spindles aren't sharp; what Aurora actually pricks her finger on is the distaff, which is used to hold the fiber before it is spun.

Factual error: Dinky Winks has a branding iron that says 'Dinky' when it faces out, but we should be reading it backwards. When he uses this brand, then it will be backwards.

Factual error: As a trash compactor Wall-E does not function logically. When he fills his chest compartment with garbage and runs his internal compactor, the cube that exits his body is the same volume as the trash he puts in, despite that trash having been compacted. He does not add extra trash to fill the empty space after running the compactor - there are three scenes that show him filling up only once with loose garbage and then ejecting a densely compacted cube. (00:02:30)
Suggested correction: You haven't noticed the exact shape of his body. The back sticks out a tad. Garbage fills the space and the back pushes in to compress it.

Factual error: When the humans are capturing the gorillas, Clayton fires about 15 rounds from his double rifle. This is pretty impressive, considering this is the early 1900's.

Factual error: When animated Giselle begins to sing and brushes her hair, the reflection of her "one true love" is visible in the mirror. Problem is that its image is not reversed in the reflection. (00:02:00)

Factual error: When Peevey gets stuck in the truck, Cliff fires up the rocket pack and simply pushes it clear. If the rocket pack can push out enough thrust to move a 2 1/2 ton truck, Cliff's body can't take that kind of stress. He stretches his arms out, starts pushing, and sets off the rocket, putting himself between the truck and an accelerating rocket demonstrably capable of moving it. The truck is stationary so has 2 1/2 tons of inertia. The rocket instantly accelerates it to an appreciable speed. Human arms cannot take that kind of stress. He's going to be crushed.

Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the take off run every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. The pilot would immediately abort take off.

Factual error: In the very first scene a giant squid swims past Fujimoto. It swims in the wrong direction however, with its tentacles in front. In reality squid swim backwards.

Factual error: While bidding on eBay for the steering wheel, Vanelope tries to up the $350 bid by bidding $1,000. This scares off the real bidder, but Ralph and Vanelope don't understand how eBay works and bid against each other until they win with a $27,001 bid. That's not how eBay works. Vanelope's initial $1,000 bid wouldn't have set the high mark, but would simply have been her maximum bid in case the other bidder kept increasing his bid. The current high bid would have increased by the increment amount until it reached Vanelope's max bid. Now, it could be that the system recognized Ralph and Vanelope as separate bidders and that's why it let them keep upping the max bid. But, if the system had responded normally and simply increased Vanelope's bid to $355 with a max of $1,000, they might have realised what was going on and not started bidding randomly.

Factual error: When the plane is taking off while the animals are on the runway they duck down hoping it will stop and it becomes airborne shortly before hitting them. In actuality they should have been blown backwards from the jets like ragdolls.

Factual error: If you have ever actually seen London then you can see that the route Hallie takes to get to the house would take you all around London.

Factual error: The train leaves for France from St Pancras station (clearly identified by The Shire pub), which is Northbound and has no connection to go back south for France.

Factual error: During the orphans' rendition of "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" Molly is seen with a plastic drink bottle (that makes a plastic-bottle-esque "thunk" when thrown). The movie takes place in 1933, however polyethylene terephthalate (the kind of plastic used for drink bottles) was not developed until 1941.

Factual error: Dr. Dolittle is driving through San Francisco with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee - there are no Dunkin' Donuts in San Francisco.

Factual error: At the end of the movie, they show a bunch of ducks flying. Those are not ducks, they are geese.
Suggested correction: This was intentional. This is a mostly Minnesotan team and the team is going home. While geese are technically speaking not ducks, they are the state bird of Minnesota and fly in a very similar manner to ducks. This was meant to be a symbolism of them going home to their state.

Factual error: The size of the shadow of an object depends upon its distance from the light source, not the surface it falls upon. Lifting the cutout of the bird a few inches closer to the sun as they do would make absolutely no difference to the size of its shadow, yet it quadruples in size.

Factual error: In one scene, Mrs. Doubtfire pulls the symbol off of Stu's car. She shouldn't have been able to do that, since a cable connects the symbol to the inside of the car.

Factual error: The baby is expanded to approximately fifty times his height, width and girth but it's explicitly stated that he retains his orginal mass. This means he will have the same volume as one hundred and twenty five thousand babies of his original size, but will weigh the same as before he was enlarged! That child is going to weigh much less than the volume of air he displaces. He's going to float away.