Factual error: In the final inning of the district championship game, the Owls are ahead by one run and there are two outs when the opposing team's top hitter steps up to the plate. This is impossible because this batter was the final out in the previous inning when his team came to bat. That he bats at all in the final inning with two outs means his team would have batted around the order and scored at least 3 runs in that inning already and had the lead.

Factual error: After Berry and one of the Country Bears get in the bus to find the others, they show a scene with the bus going along a road and Berry leans out the window. Here you can see the side of the bus is spick 'n' span clean. Then, later, the bus is as dirty as it was when it left the shack, very noticeable at the start of the carwash scene.

Factual error: When we meet Nana and Demon's pups, Nana is a border collie, and Demon is a Siberian Husky, therefore, the pups should be mixed breeds. But it is easy to tell that these puppies are purebred huskies, not mixed breeds.

Factual error: The super glue (after sitting that long) wouldn't be wet enough for the earpiece to stick almost permanently to Marty's ear.

Factual error: When Calvin and Co. are tying up Bittleman so they can get Calvin's shoes back, it shows highlights from the game that's being played at that very moment between Toronto and the Knights. It shows some highlights from Vince Carter, but one of these highlights was not from the game at all. It's his windmill dunk from the actual NBA 2003 dunk comp. There are no other players on the court, only camera crew. (01:14:15)

Factual error: When Santa is shown the miniscule print on the 'Santa Clause' card (that he is supposed to be/get married) the Elf holds an enormous lens in front of it, to make it easier for Santa to read the print. From the distance Santa is standing at, from his point of view the card should appear upside down.

Factual error: After the VW van hits the tree stump, steam is coming from the front of the vehicle. Those vehicles have the engine in the rear. (00:05:53)

Factual error: The screeching call occasionally made by the Falcon is actually the sound of a Red-tailed hawk. Falcons do not make this sound.

Factual error: In the scene where Spirit's mother is giving birth to Spirit, after she has him it shows Spirit as a newborn, with teeth. Newborn horses don't have a full set of teeth. (00:04:23)

Factual error: Juni is sending the bad twins to Gobi desert. After few scenes, we can see the bad twins in the middle of Gobi desert. They get there with a submarine. How can they enter to a middle of the desert with a submarine inside the water?

Factual error: When Carl first receives 26 at the hatchery, he asks what kind of dinosaur she is. He is told she is a Hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur), but when we see her, she is some sort of Ceratopsian (i.e.: Triceratops). She is later referred to as a Chasmosaur (which while not looking like 26, IS a Ceratopsian).