Plot hole: When Lalaina is in her depressed "Bell Jar" phase, she's complaining to the psychic hotline counselor that she's freaked out by the idea of having kids because she "can't even take care of a Chia Pet". But earlier in her documentary, she'd talked about how starting at age 13 she had to become the responsible one, buying food, taking care of and parenting her siblings. Which contradicts the portrayal of her as someone who can't take care of anything.

Plot hole: When Olive gets in the motorcycle sidecar to go to hospital to have her baby, her weight lifts the bikes rear wheel off the ground. Stan rides on the rear of the bike seat to keep the wheel on the ground. However, Stan never intended to get on the bike until this problem occurred but he was holding a motorcycle helmet from the start of this scene.

Plot hole: At the amusement park when Buck is looking for Cammie, it is lightly raining but no-one seems to be getting wet.

Plot hole: When Finnegan is in the water and the explosive charges go off, Finnegan should be dead from concussion, and the explosives are big enough to have caused his death by them flinging him quite high out of the water. What happened to Finnegan was pure fantasy.

Plot hole: If Happy Chapman is supposed to be allergic to cats how come he doesn't sneeze whenever he is around Garfield?

Plot hole: The whole point of the deception is that Fern Mayo, the geek, turns overnight into Vylett. No one at school has a clue about her real identity till Marcia and Courtney put up posters. So this deception carries on for several weeks before the two girls expose it. There is no way this would work. A school will not simply accept a new student without bothering to register her, yet when Fern Mayo just doesn't turn up to school one day, and Vylett does indeed, none of the teachers find this strange, or bother enrolling "Vylett" officially in school.

Plot hole: Gerry's wife uses a rocket boot to break through a window and then slides down a curved wall to get to their son. She does so gracefully and takes off running. Gerry slides and takes a hard tumble and rolls down, landing on the ground. The next shot shows Gerry running behind his wife and not too far away as they reach their son. Even if it was to show a little time passing, there was not enough distance between where they broke the window and their son for Gerry to have picked himself up and catch up to his wife before reaching their son, especially with his wife being a worried mom doing a full on sprint to her kid.

Plot hole: When the Ferrari stops for fuel at night, Franco decides to spend the night with the girl in the Mercedes. His partner protests, then abandons Franco to continue the race. The next morning, the girl drives Franco to meet up with the Ferrari again. This is a coast-to-coast race, planned out in detail by each crew long before to take the shortest course at the highest speeds possible. First car to L.A. wins. It isn't possible for the Mercedes to just 'catch up' to the Ferrari the next morning unless the Ferrari was taking a wildly wandering course or driving incredibly slow for hours.

Plot hole: During the sudden death event, Peter and White are told that both feet must remain in the triangle at all times. When Peter throws the ball, his left foot is outside of the triangle.

Plot hole: After the puppies have trapped Denning and Grim in the stall, the goat tells them to go find their parents, when the puppies never told it that they were looking for their parents.

Plot hole: Near the end of the film, the crippled Thunderbird 5 is about to catastrophically re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. Predictably, the younger Tracy brother restores control, saves Thunderbird 5 and all on board. A few seconds later, a computer announces that Thunderbird 5 has resumed a geostationary orbit (such orbits are only possible at an altitude of 400km) My point? Pulling out of a fall, climbing 370km in a few seconds, and then stopping dead 400km up would have required such a massive acceleration/deceleration that everyone on board would probably have been pulverized, even if it were possible for a badly-damaged space station to move that fast.

Plot hole: Shortly before the penultimate fight between Feathers and UB, Smart Brother comments that UB has a few seconds before the reactor goes. Yet, no matter how loosely SB's words are interpreted, the whole sequence from when he said that to when it blew lasted longer than "a few seconds".

Plot hole: At the end of the movie when getting out of the bear pit, the crew decides to use a ladder when a set of stairs can be seen. Was this so Vince Vaughn could give his respect speech?
Suggested correction: You forgot to mention the stairs are also in the bear cave and there's no guarantee they lead out of the pit.

Plot hole: Where did Bob find a knife to skin and clean the rabbit? And why did he leave the ears and front paws? (01:19:45)

Plot hole: Spoiler Alert: Bruno gets through to the 1 million Euro question on the French version of "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" (WWTBAM) and gets stuck on a question. He decides to call Francois as his Phone-A-Friend. However, Francois is sitting at home watching the drama unfold on TV. The basic premise of WWTBAM is that it is recorded to ensure that a friend who is called could *not* simply use the internet to research a response.