Trivia: 14-year-old Preston Mutanga animated the Lego segment. The directors had seen a video he posted on Twitter recreating the trailer for this movie from Lego, and wanted to showcase his talent. The universe seen (Earth 13122) is meant to be the same one as in the Lego Marvel Super Heroes games.

Trivia: The name "Frankenweenie" is never said at any point.

Trivia: Gromit was originally supposed to be a cat, but it was decided that a dog was easier to sculpt from plasticine.

Trivia: When Wong drains Flamingo Lake to water his golf course and the flamingos are sucked down the plughole, in amongst their startled squawks you can hear one yelling "SH*T!". Listen for it - it's very clear.

Trivia: When The Joker interrupts the ceremony and shows the video of him blowing up the building, there's a scene where he hits the detonator a few times before the building blows up. This is a scene paying homage to what happened in The Dark Knight when there was an actual unplanned delay during filming of the explosion going off during the blowing up of the hospital.

Trivia: This was Disney's first PG-rated animated film, and the company caught a lot of flak for it from parents' groups.

Trivia: In the FFVII game, Cait Sith rides on a giant white stuffed animal. The reason it didn't appear in the movie is because there was already a rendered wolf and Red XIII; the filmmakers absolutely hated rendering fur, and thus Cait Sith's ride was scrapped.

Trivia: 1980s teen idol Tiffany provided the voice of Judy Jetson. She also provided the songs found in the film. To her dismay, critics not only attacked the film, but the songs she sang.

Trivia: Johnny Depp's character Rango says "interesting" a few times throughout the movie and while that isn't trivia in itself, the fact that Johnny Depp says it in "his way" in a lot of his movies at some point or another.

Trivia: Director Hayao Miyazaki had said in interviews that he was ignorant that the word Spanish word "Laputa" means "filthy whore." If he had been aware of the word's meaning, he would not have used it in the first place.

Trivia: The way the god of sleep's goat legs were achieved usually consisted of hiding the actor's legs behind or below whatever the character was sitting on. However, when he had to walk, the actor wore a pair of green screen pants with the goat legs going down to his knee. There was padding from the bottom of his knee to the top of his foot so he wouldn't make any sound he wasn't supposed to. Look behind him when he walks in a crowd and you'll see that nobody gets less than two feet behind him. This is most noticable in the slumber party scene and when monkeybone steals Stu's exit pass. To see what I mean, look at the special features and watch "The Secrets of Monkeybone"

Trivia: Just before the Gods Speaker finds the picture of the jaguar in the book, you see a picture of someone fishing off a crescent moon: the Dreamworks logo.

Trivia: When Robin Hood and all of the villagers are having the party and singing and dancing, look closely at the dance, it's from Snow White. Some of the villagers are the dwarfs and Maid Marion is Snow White. Also, when Little John is dancing it's from The Jungle Book.

Trivia: The provider of the shrieks, growls, and snarls of the velociraptors was a chihuahua.

Trivia: For his role, Kiefer Sutherland had to practice roaring like a lion. Instead of doing it at home with his daughter and step-daughter around, he practiced in his car, unaware of a woman watching him from the next lane.

Trivia: Adam Sandler's wife, Jackie Titone, was the voice of Jennifer.