Trivia: At one point Ganke is seen playing a Spider-Man game on the PS5. That game's variant of Spider-Man is also seen in the movie.
Trivia: 14-year-old Preston Mutanga animated the Lego segment. The directors had seen a video he posted on Twitter recreating the trailer for this movie from Lego, and wanted to showcase his talent. The universe seen (Earth 13122) is meant to be the same one as in the Lego Marvel Super Heroes games.
Trivia: J.K. Simmons plays J. Jonah Jameson, as he did in the original Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films and later in the MCU.
Answer: Who's saying they got married first? They reconciled, she got pregnant at some point, and they got married whenever. Do we even know if they are married? Mayday could be as old as 7 months. She's crawling and seems to have basic motor functions like pulling her hat down, so she's likely at the older end of that scale. While she's big-ish, she's not talking or anything, so she can't be that old. Plenty of younger babies still have a lot of hair, plus we can't be 100% sure how his universe works, in terms of child development or indeed be sure that time passes at exactly the same rate as Miles'.
Okay, you made a fair point on the whole marriage thing.
Cody Fairless-Lee