Trivia: Reportedly, Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg repeatedly tried to sabotage the film's production as he was worried it would overshadow their film "Aladdin," especially as both films featured Robin Williams as a prominent character. Williams was furious, as he felt the film's environmental message was important and that there was no reason he couldn't do both films. It's believed this may have been a factor in William's feud with Disney that lasted several years after "Aladdin" was released.

Trivia: Rudolph and others visit the island of misfit toys and promise to help them. In the original version, the Misfits don't get mentioned again, and the producers were swamped with letters from children, upset that the Misfits didn't get the help they were promised. A new scene was produced and included in future versions, where Santa and Rudolph give the toys new homes.

Trivia: When Ted opens a drawer looking for a nail for the Once-ler, a Minion figurine (from Despicable Me) is shown in the drawer.

Trivia: When Molt sheds his entire skin from being scared of the ants, the skin is the model that they use before they add the color.

Trivia: One of the Mardi Gras parade floats is inspired by The Little Mermaid's King Triton's throne. Jafar from Aladdin is on another float. (01:13:55)

Trivia: Norma Jean and Memphis are named for Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. Elvis is from Memphis, Tennessee and some of Memphis's movements are like his. Norma Jean is Marilyn Monroe's birth name and Norma Jean sings like her.

Trivia: When all the sharks are sitting around the table, Lenny coughs up several items including a license plate. This is the same license plate from both "Jaws" and "Deep Blue Sea." (01:10:35)

Trivia: Australian comedian Mark Mitchell re-voiced Buck Cluck for the Australian release, but in an American accent.

Trivia: Capitan Gonza's head looks just like the crone Yubaba's green bouncing head pets in director Hayao Miyazaki's 2001 film "Spirited Away."

Trivia: In the original Japanese trailer, most of the scenes were fully animated, yet not used in the final cut. Some of the shots were Ash standing on top of a crystal pillar, as the camera pans around him and he is searching for something, a bunch of random wild Pokémon running away from the crystallization, and a shot of Mewtwo standing at the entrance of a cave with lightning cracking behind it. Supposedly, the 3rd and 4th movies were to inter-connect, with Mewtwo being the one who connects them. Perhaps the anime producers decided to throw that away and instead advertise the then-new Pokémon Crystal game? After all, several elements from the game (the Unown, Suicune, Celebi) appeared in both movies.

Trivia: In the casino, while D.J. is fighting with Yosemite Sam's goons, Daffy tells him to "bite his ear." This is a reference to boxer Mike Tyson, who bit off a portion of Evander Holyfield's ear during a match.

Trivia: The candy factory name, Jolly Jack, is a tribute to "Jolly" Jack Kirby, a legendary comic book artist and writer.