Audio problem: When Jafar is coming out of his hiding place to talk to Jasmine, he opens the sliding wall only about a foot. When he shuts it again, you can hear it sliding shut for a very long time!

Audio problem: When Timon and Pumbaa awake from their first dream home by the rocks, they look up to see the animals towering and singing "I just can't wait to be king", but their mouths don't match the words of the song. They are actually out of sync by a few seconds because in the first Lion King movie the chorus was already sung at this point.

Audio problem: When we see Mike during the slumber party, we hear seven bells ring for the seven filled cylinders, but there are only six cylinder-filling noises. (00:16:50)

Audio problem: When "Randy Newman" is playing the piano in the beginning, it is completely visible that the piano hammers aren't moving at all.

Audio problem: When Ash receives the letter from the Dragonite, we hear Togepi say "Togepi?" but its mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: After Cinderella has run away from the Prince and everything goes back to normal, she discovers that the Fairy Godmother has left her with a single glass shoe. She then proceeds to thank the Fairy Godmother.she says "Thank you so much.for everything." When she says "for", her mouth doesn't move correctly.her mouth is supposed to close in order to say the beginning "f" part, but it remains open, so it looks like she's actually saying "hor" instead of "for".

Audio problem: In the beginning when Davey is burping, the sound of the peoples' glasses breaking is a little early.

Audio problem: After the "Off to See the World" part, it shows Klaus and Claudia in the pool. The waiter tells Claudia that there's a long distance phone call for her from Europe. "Wonderful!" Claudia says, and she slides off her raft and while she makes her way out of the pool, accidentally drops water on Sophie. The dog freaks out, trying to paw the water off her and Klaus snickers at her. After the shot of snickering Klaus, it shows Sophie turning her head towards Claudia and you could hear her bark. However, she does not move her mouth as if she's barking and the barking noise sounds quite perky.

Audio problem: In the scene where the birds have a party, Pedro and Nico sing "I Wanna Party". If you look at his lips he sings "My life" but he just smiles.

Audio problem: When Bugs says "There's gold in them thar hills" when he comes into the shop carrying a gigantic piece of gold, his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: After Batman has left Andrea's apartment she drops a glass. We hear the sound of the glass shattering, but when the camera zooms out we see the glass is still in one piece.

Audio problem: The Rabbit leads the two main dogs past the snakes with the password. The first few words he says, his mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: When Kup and Hot Rod are smashing up the Sharkticons, Kup says something, (I think it's after he rips the tail off one of them), his mouth doesn't match what he says.

Audio problem: Near the beginning, when the two metal monkeys strike the Central Park Zoo bell, it makes two different tones. As it's the same bell they're hitting, and they hit it at the very same vertical axis, it should make the same tone both times.

Audio problem: At the end when Boris and Natasha are drinking from glasses, they throw their glasses up in victory and we hear the glasses shattering. But in the long shot, there's no sign of broken glass anywhere.

Audio problem: In the scene "By The Throat", After Osmosis goes down the escalator. The red smoke starts to go around them. Osmosis moves his mouth with no sound, but not until a couple seconds later when the shot changes do you hear what is that cherry stench. (00:20:37)

Audio problem: About 3/4 the way through the movie, Kim Jong Il says 'stallion' correctly even though he can't say his "l"'s properly.

Audio problem: When they pull away from the barn, the thugs' truck makes a screeching noise on the thick snow.

Audio problem: Littlefoot's lips don't move when he says "Cera, you came back." while pushing the boulder on the Sharptooth.

Audio problem: About halfway through the movie, Richard and Fantasy reunite on the island. Richard says, "Fantasy." and Fantasy responds with, "Well, what were you expecting honey? The tooth fairy?" When she says "the tooth fairy" her lips are saying something completely different (and it's even worse, since it's a close-up of her face).