Audio problem: When everyone is saying "Go" whilst going into the black hole, Fry and Leela continue saying "Go" after they have closed their mouth. (01:26:50)

Audio problem: When the Big Bad Wolf is blasted through the wall a second time, we cut back to Bugs who says "I don't see why anybody thinks these club initiations are dangerous." When he says it, the audio is a few frames behind his mouth.

Audio problem: After Sylvester gets a massive electric jolt by holding the cord, we cut back to Polly who now repeats, "Lights on." But the first time he says, "Lights on!", his beak does not move.

Audio problem: During the Second Chances song, when the 1st female singer sings the words "Second chances!" her voice is that of the 2nd female singer. (00:50:45)

Audio problem: After Wish Bear announces that Kim and Jason will be adopted by new parents, Cheer Bear turns around and exclaims "Congratulations Kim and Jason!" However, her lips don't move at all when the words are said. (00:23:05)

Audio problem: When Daffy says "So long, Rembrandt!" whilst pretending to ride on a bicycle, his beak doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Lou says "Oh!" to the wolf's eyeballs, her mouth does not move.

Audio problem: Near the start when Mufasa says "let me explain" to Simba his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When we see the moth singing on his way to the bar, his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the children are washing clothes, Auntie Shrew reacts by looking up towards the sound of the rat's moving equipment, a second before it is heard.

Audio problem: When Hatta Mari says "Come, liebchen!" to Pigeon 13, her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: At the end of the film when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he says "I am your brother, Joseph." However, if you look at his lip movements, you'll see that he does not say "Joseph."

Audio problem: When Bugs is performing his "Brahms Lullaby" outside Sam's bedroom, we hear him singing the music but his mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: In a wide view of the mice singing "Rescue Aid Society" at the United Nations, a mouse is hitting his drum with a drumstick, but no sounds are coming out of it.

Audio problem: The baby babbles during the scene when the group travels through the cave with the drawings, but his lips and mouth don't move.