Deliberate mistake: The 45's advertised as new releases on the record store sign actually came out at different times throughout 1955. A true selection of new releases from early November 1955 would have most likely included minor hit singles that 80's moviegoers wouldn't have recognized. The songs listed were some of the biggest hits of that year and were obviously chosen for their ability to help set the musical tone of the time. (00:34:30)

Deliberate mistake: The text the Master Control Program speaks in the human world is usually accompanied with a text projected on a computer screen. When Flynn attempts to hack into the system through the laser lab terminal, the Program is cut short at 'I'm afraid you.' (both on the screen and in speech) as Flynn progresses. In reality, however, it should be that the full text intended to be relayed by the MCP should be displayed on the screen, and only the speech gets interrupted. (00:29:40)

Deliberate mistake: In the finale, the main characters exit 'the fall' and climb up the outside of the vehicle. As the vehicle is travelling at thousands of miles an hour, they would have surely been sucked off instantly and most certainly would not have been able to maintain a grip on the ladder rungs as they climbed 'the fall'.

Deliberate mistake: When Madame Vandersexxx writes the safe word onto the piece of paper, she writes it way too fast and scribbly for it to be perfectly written as shown when there is a close up of it when Cooper is reading it.

Deliberate mistake: At the very end when they are all running to get the car started, the boy is the last to hop in. In the first scene, he is well along side the car, but in the very next shot he is farther again. In the last shot, he is closer to the door and finally gets in.

Deliberate mistake: Vega's claw never actually hits any of the furnace buttons, but it opens up anyway.
Suggested correction: The claw penetrates the panel cover and most likely shorted the wires inside. You don't have to actually press any buttons to activate it if you short the wires.

Deliberate mistake: As David runs from the MPs in the restaurant, he jumps off the balcony onto the bar below. It is very obvious that it's the stunt double for Michael Pare doing the jump. (00:45:35)

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where the Wild Hogs are driving past the bikers' bar, Woody uses his throttle hand to show the bikers his middle finger, yet the bike is still able to accelerate.

Deliberate mistake: In the shot where the camera zooms in on the car, after they realise they are standing on a train track, it is obvious that the car would be hit by the train even if they managed to change tracks. The car's hood is parked right above the other track. (00:23:45)

Deliberate mistake: The little red-haired girl boards a bus with other children who are headed to summer camp. As the bus drives away, there is nobody in the driver's seat. This movie maintains Charles Schulz's policy of never showing adults in his comic strips or animated television specials, but a bus driver could at least have been depicted in silhouette.

Deliberate mistake: During the fight with Roxy (evil ex number 4), she falls forward before Ramona's leg hits her.

Deliberate mistake: While Indy is fighting the tank commander, he looks up to see them heading toward a cliff. After the tank goes over, from the time his companions look over the cliff to the time when they walk away and Indy is sitting on the ground, you can see the wind blowing in their faces. But as Indy starts to get up, the wind blows his hat toward him, which it couldn't do as his hat flew off quite a while before, and the winds would have blown it far from the cliff's edge.

Deliberate mistake: After Perseus and his men defeat the scorpions, Kalibos goes after him, lashing his whip. But curiously, the whipping leaves no visible marks.

Deliberate mistake: When the villains rampage the White House, the flag's base remains on the ceiling, and the flag pole falls inside the house. So the final scene with Superman carrying the flag and its base as if it had been previously stolen or destroyed, is nonsensical, but it looks very patriotic indeed.

Deliberate mistake: Steve is not superhuman, but he could see and almost (Diana whips it out of the way first) dodge a bullet at the beginning of the car chase. (01:21:55)

Deliberate mistake: When the Dragon Emperor is giving his Terracotta army the speech near the end, you see a shot that pans across the faces of several of his soldiers. A few shots later, this exact same shot is played in reverse. It is very easy to tell if you look at the way the camera moves up and down to catch the different faces.

Deliberate mistake: During the first aerial angle of the pirate ship they are heard singing, but the ship is empty. Most surely due to the complexity of drawing detailed tiny pirates.

Deliberate mistake: When Rambo attacks the POW camp with the Hue helicopter you can at one point see that the rocket pods carries 7 rockets each, however during the attack Rambo launches roughly 26 rockets from each pod as they fire simultaneously.

Deliberate mistake: After Flipper knocks Sandy off the pier with his tail, there is an underwater close-up of the two of them swimming towards each other. This shot is flipped, note Sandy's watch and bracelets have switched wrists. (00:34:20)

Deliberate mistake: At the speed trap, Tom points his radar gun at a turtle. From his perspective, he seems to be looking through some sort of scope with cross hairs and numbers on it at the turtle to line up the beam. However, when he then looks at the radar gun at the speed indicated as 1 MP/H, there is nothing on the gun where he could have been looking through such a scope. At best, the top of the run appears to have plastic iron sites. The scoped view would not have been from the device itself perspective since it would not need cross hairs or numbers on said cross hairs as that would be for a person looking through it to have reference points. This scope view of the turtle was most likely just added by the film makers to have a better visual representation of Tom aiming the radar gun at the turtle. (00:04:29)