Deliberate mistake: If you pay extremely close attention to the scene of all of the Decepticons responding to the small Transformer's message regarding the location of the Allspark, notice that the shot of the police car and the fake helicopter pilot are duplicate shots used earlier in the film.

Deliberate mistake: Loch Ness is portrayed as a clear lake, as shown in the underwater scene. In real life, Loch Ness is so murky there is only six feet of visibility. Obviously deliberately done for the sake of the storyline.

Deliberate mistake: Below deck aboard the Pearl, when Will says, "You make your choices in lifeĀ ," and later, when Elizabeth and Will are on the beach, Elizabeth's eye makeup and curled up lashes are very apparent in her close-ups.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where the Wild Hogs are driving past the bikers' bar, Woody uses his throttle hand to show the bikers his middle finger, yet the bike is still able to accelerate.

Deliberate mistake: Bender goes back in time to two minutes before Fry came back to the past. But if you time it, it was actually only 1 minute and 42 seconds.