
iCarly (2007)

2 mistakes in IWanna Stay with Spencer - chronological order

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IWanna Stay with Spencer - S1-E5

Other mistake: The "Fan of Hammers" has all the hammers pointed the same way. But when the hammer goes into the wall, it goes in backwards. It is also there through all the rest of the shows and even in season two, where in "iKiss" it has a black handle. (00:02:35)


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Suggested correction: It is plugged in, but the cord runs from Spencer's head under his shirt and meets the iPod near where Spencer's green short sleeve shirt meets his long sleeve white sleeve shirt. Only a very short bit of the cord appears from under Spencer's sleeve to the iPod strapped to his arm.

Trivia: In "iGo To Japan", when Carly, Sam and Freddie are trying to get into the awards show, there is a guard holding a signboard with various pictures and messages on it. One of the pictures is of executive producer Dan Schneider. (00:01:15)

Jeff Swanson

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Question: So what exactly did happen to Carly's parents that she is left with her brother, Spencer? I think in one episode Carly mentions the Marines or something, but that still doesn't answer where her mom is.

Answer: Their father is in the military and is on a submarine and the mother is never mentioned.

Shannon Jackson

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