Continuity mistake: During the structure fire at Kiddytime Toy Factory, when the man is downed by an electrical shock, Johnny pulls out the defibrillator and Biophone from the squad, and in Johnny's closeups with the Datascope we can see that its center knob on the right is missing, but in the Datascope's closeups the knob is back.

Continuity mistake: When 51's guys go down into the tank to try and subdue Al, the big guy who has a chemically induced psychosis, the ring Al was wearing on his left hand in the overhead shots is gone, but when Al shakes Chet upside-down in the closeups the large ring is back, but then it vanishes again.
Continuity mistake: When Brackett is talking to Roy and Johnny in the hallway outside treatment 3 about the guy who will likely lose his injured leg, Brackett is wearing a tie with a pattern, and when he walks into treatment 3 Brackett's tie is tied differently.
Continuity mistake: When Dick introduces Art Fromich to Roy and John, in the wide shots the Biophone is lying on its side atop the squad, but in each of Roy's closeups the Biophone is upright.
Continuity mistake: When the deaf woman is lying on the sidewalk having contractions, Johnny and Roy carry the pregnant woman on a cot into the market, and in the closeup of her face she is still lying on the sidewalk outside.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.