Plot hole: Many episodes show either visitors on the island swimming away or objects floating away on rafts (a lion, a silent film, etc) that at the end of the episode always make it safely to civilization (as heard on the radio)... yet, none of the castaways ever could swim or leave on a raft to attempt to get off the island and get rescued in the same way.
Plot hole: On many different occasions, the castaways meet a wide variety of people who say that they have been on the island for either ten or more years thinking they were the only ones on the island before the SS Minnow even arrived. With so many people who had been on the island for such an extended time, it seems kind of strange that none of them had ever met one another.
Plot hole: How could it be that every time someone or something was visiting the island during many episodes, they always made it back to civilization by the ending scene (as heard on the radio)? I can understand an actual person, but once anything else (such as a lion, a movie reel on a raft, etc.) leaves the island, it arrives perfectly by just simply slowly floating on the water with no human to guide them. Maybe the one exception could be the robot (programmed by the Professor).
Chosen answer: It looks like a mistake to me I see it when the Professor is put into a trance, but it is not there later.
Bowling255 ★