
X-Men (1992)

303 mistakes in season 2

(2 votes)

X-Men mistake picture

'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1 - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When the Friends of Humanity are getting in the car to escape from the fight, the backseat area of the car is shown to have window louvers that are the same red color as the car's body. When the shot changes and shows the car from the interior, the windows are plain glass. (00:12:09)


X-Men mistake picture

'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1 - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Morph, disguised as Wolverine, bumps into Rogue, she is holding a steaming mug of coffee. When she tells him she is going to the rec room to take a nap, she is holding the mug sideways, with no steam coming from it. The camera was on her face for most of this sequence, so she couldn't have finished drinking it, and there is no spilled coffee on the floor, so the mug should still be steaming. (00:14:09)


X-Men mistake picture

'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1 - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Beast is saying "What's in a name," he and Cyclops are standing on the right side of the red carpet, and Gambit is standing right behind Beast. A couple of shots later, Beast and Cyclops are now standing on the left side of the red carpet, and Gambit is now standing several feet away by the door. (00:05:32)


'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1 - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Rogue takes the unconscious Gambit into the War Room, she sets him down on the center table and stands at the edge of it. When she is showing Storm that she absorbed his powers, she reaches over to grab a coffee mug. There were no coffee mugs on the table when Rogue set him down, and they would be out of reach if they were located on another table. (00:16:57)


X-Men mistake picture

'Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1 - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Storm is talking to and walking towards Jubilee in the War Room, the TV that everyone was watching is suddenly off, and seems to have disappeared altogether, as no screen is visible. When the shot changes, the TV is back on, and the screen appears to be shorter and wider than first shown. When Xavier is leaving the room, the TV is off again, and the screen like before seems to have vanished. (00:09:16 - 00:10:02)


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Question: Does anyone know why Gambit was featured less and less in episodes as the show went on? He was one of the most popular characters in not just X-Men, but all of Marvel Comics around the time this series first aired, so unless it had something to do with his voice actor's contract, it seems odd they wouldn't have utilized him more.


Answer: Chris Potter, the original Gambit voice actor, did indeed quit the role in the 4th season. His last episode was The Phalanx Covenant Part 1 so it seems reasonable that Fox would limit the use of the character even though it was recast. It doesn't appear that Potter left the role due to animosity, he stated in an interview that he wished to play Gambit in the first live action X-Men film.


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