X-Men mistake picture

Family Ties - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: After Magneto and Wolverine have been captured, when Wolverine is asking Magneto what is going on, the perspective of the shot makes it look like Magneto is looking down on Wolverine from a considerably taller height when they are both standing on a level floor. Additionally, the square slabs that make up the floor become smaller. (00:12:35)


X-Men mistake picture

Family Ties - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: For the first half of this episode, Magneto is wearing a red dress-shirt with a black tie under a dark gray trenchcoat. After he is captured by the High Evolutionary, he is suddenly wearing his usual red and purple costume. Even if Magneto brought a change of clothes with him, it's extremely unlikely that the High Evolutionary would change his clothes for him. (00:03:40 - 00:12:40)


X-Men mistake picture

Family Ties - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: The style of the lettering on Magda's gravestone changes after the goat-woman runs away from Magneto. There is also a stone that was next to the grave when it is first shown that has suddenly disappeared in the same shot of the goat-woman running away. (00:09:10 - 00:09:45)


X-Men mistake picture

Family Ties - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: When Bova is bringing the baby twins to Django and Marya's house, the arm she is carrying the respective twin in changes depending on the shot. When she is first shown walking towards the house, she is holding Wanda in her left arm and Pietro in her right. When she is walking up the steps to the door, she is carrying Pietro in her left arm and Wanda in her right. When the shot changes after Django opens the door, the twins have switched arms again, and then again when she hands the babies to Django and Marya. (00:02:30)


X-Men mistake picture

Love in Vain - S4-E14

Continuity mistake: The Colony's Acanti ship goes from having its face buried into the walls of the chasm and its body above ground to having its body partially buried in the valley floor and its face free from the wall. (00:06:50 - 00:08:10)


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Days of Future Past: Part 1 - S1-E11

Trivia: After Bishop travels into the past, he hears one kid telling another that they will be playing the new Punisher game "Assassin." When the Punisher was first being developed, he was originally going to be called The Assassin.

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Show generally

Question: Does anyone know why Gambit was featured less and less in episodes as the show went on? He was one of the most popular characters in not just X-Men, but all of Marvel Comics around the time this series first aired, so unless it had something to do with his voice actor's contract, it seems odd they wouldn't have utilized him more.


Answer: Chris Potter, the original Gambit voice actor, did indeed quit the role in the 4th season. His last episode was The Phalanx Covenant Part 1 so it seems reasonable that Fox would limit the use of the character even though it was recast. It doesn't appear that Potter left the role due to animosity, he stated in an interview that he wished to play Gambit in the first live action X-Men film.


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