Visible crew/equipment: During the warehouse battle, around when the Doctor tells Donna, "Hold on, I'm coming", the film crew can be seen reflected in a door at the right of screen. (00:28:20)

Forest of the Dead (2) - S4-E9
Visible crew/equipment: When River punches the Doctor, laying him out, just as he drops to the floor we can see the actor's green tape mark at River's feet. (00:33:20)
Silence in the Library (1) - S4-E8
Visible crew/equipment: While the Doctor tries to get into the data core (after Proper Dave tried) it cuts to the telephone still ringing, and when the young girl asks her dad why he's not answering the phone, just as he tells her that the phone is not ringing the boom mic dips into view at the top of the screen. (00:19:40)
The Sontaran Stratagem (1) - S4-E4
Visible crew/equipment: As the Doctor tries to get Wilfred out of the car, the camera goes to follow his movement and there is a reflection of the lighting rig and camera on the car.
Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.