Doctor Who

Season 3 generally

Trivia: Possible Spoiler: At the time of this writing, it is generally believed that the "Mister Saxon" referred to throughout Season 3 will turn out to be The Master. One piece of evidence backing this theory is The Master's penchant for anagrammatic aliases: Mister Saxon is an anagram of "Master No Six," and if it's true, John Simm would be the 6th actor to play The Master. [Russell T Davies (who wrote most of the episodes) has said that the anagram is pure coincidence which was picked up by some people, but was completely unintended. Still interesting regardless.]

Captain Defenestrator

The Sound of Drums (2) - S3-E12

Trivia: During the episode, the Master is seen watching the Teletubbies on his laptop. This is very similar to an episode during the John Pertwee era where the Master, played by Roger Delgado, is seen watching an episode of The Clangers whilst in prison.

The Runaway Bride - S3-E14

Trivia: When the Doctor sends the banknotes flying out into the street, all of the notes have David Tennant's or Phil Collinson's (the producer) faces on them, with quotes from the Fourth and Tenth Doctor (like "no second chances - I'm that sort of a man"). The notes have since become collector's items, selling often for about 50 pounds each.

42 - S3-E7

Trivia: In 42, the Ood were originally going to be possessed by Korvin.

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Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

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