Whatever the Case May Be - S1-E12
Corrected entry: Kate got whacked by her accomplice on her left cheek, but when she goes out into the main part of the bank a little bit later, her right cheek is bruised.
Exodus (2) - S1-E24
Corrected entry: At the very end of the episode, when the passengers are boarding the doomed flight in a flashback, there is a shot of Sawyer walking down one of the aisles. If you look closely, you can see his bag bumps someone on the shoulder, and they turn around to glare at him. It's Sayid, sitting on the aisle seat of the left section of seats. However, not too long later, we see a shot of Sayid sitting down in 'his' seat, but he is now sitting on the aisle seat in the MIDDLE section of seats.
Correction: It is not impossible to switch seats in an airplane. Maybe Sayid was unhappy with his seat and asked a stewardess if it was possible to switch, or maybe he gave up his seat to someone who asked him (if they were travelling with a companion and were seated apart form each other, for instance).
The Greater Good (a.k.a. Sides) - S1-E21
Corrected entry: Sayid is in Sydney, yet when he jumps out of the white van in the warehouse the numberplate on the van is a white Hawaiian one, not a yellow and black New South Wales one.
Corrected entry: During the second half of the Season 1 Finale "Exodus", Hurley is rushing to the airport to make his flight. When Hurley's car suddenly breaks down on the way to the airport, there is a close-up of the dashboard, and in clear green numbers we see "42KM 23C 15KPH speed". The dashboard display then quickly switches to flash the green numbers "42 KM 8/4KPH (8 changes into 4). When Hurley makes it to his gate it is number 23.
Correction: Again, the reoccurrence of these numbers are fairly obvious plot points. Listing every time these numbers appear in the show is unnecessary. The fact that at least one these numbers will appear in almost every episode indicates the relevance of these numbers to the island. No need to point out every occurrence.
Tabula Rasa - S1-E3
Corrected entry: Because of an over-zealous set hairdresser, Charlie's and Sawyer's hair are noticeably shorter in the second episode than in The Pilot, Parts 1 & 2.
Correction: The hair does not look any shorter.
Corrected entry: Whenever Charlie is seen snorting drugs, Dominic Monaghan is actually snorting brown sugar.
Correction: To acquire realism, actors snort and inject themselves with non-toxic stuff. It should not be considered trivia if actors do something to better their perfomance. Specially if it's done often.
Corrected entry: Season 2, Episode 3: While Jack and Locke are watching the "Orientation" film down in the underground pod, the doctor in the film mentions that the clock must be reset before it reaches 108 minutes. "108" is the exact total of all the "Lotto Numbers" added together, which ironically are also the numbers used to program the clock. 4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42 = 108.
Correction: How is it ironic if the numbers are part of the mystery of the island? The numbers come up in a lot of situations, it's done on purpose by the writers. It's part of the show.
Corrected entry: 2 of the "numbers" in order are 8 and 15. The flight they were on was oceanic air 815.
Correction: Not significant enough to be trivia because it's obvious.
Corrected entry: How did Sawyer know "The Others" were coming for the boy? Danielle told Sayid and Charlie that well after the raft was launched.
Correction: When are are referring to? If it's after the raft is attacked by the Others, then they made it quite clear they were there for the boy and he attempted to shoot them based on them making it so clear.
Corrected entry: When Jin goes to the guy's house to deliver the "message", the man's daughter is watching TV. The man on TV is Hurley. (Explained why in the next episode, "Numbers".)
Correction: This isn't trivia. it's a plot point.
Corrected entry: Claire is very pregnant when the show starts. Women are not permitted to fly during their last trimester.
Correction: Tell that to my children, some of whom had their first experiences aboard an airplane, while I was in the last trimester of my pregnancies.
Corrected entry: In Sawyer's flashback sequence he goes to kill a man in Australia who works in a caravan called "Sweet Shrimp". When in fact the shrimp the man used are called Prawns in Australia. Shrimp is an American term for the food. (00:25:55)
Correction: The man that Sawyer killed was an American. He most likely named his business Sweet Shrimp instead of Prawns in keeping with his American roots.
Corrected entry: Claire and her boyfriend are carrying groceries in brown paper bags; these bags are not used in Australia. Clear plastic bags are used by supermarkets.
Correction: Actually that is not entirely true. I know of many supermarkets that use paper bags or environment friendly bags. Sure the majority of supermarkets have plastic bags, but saying ALL supermarkets is an inaccurate exaggeration.
Do No Harm - S1-E20
Corrected entry: Kate catches Claire's baby as he is being born and hands him straight to Claire, all gooey and 'newborn', but the baby has no umbilical cord. There was no time for Kate to tie off and cut the cord, nor a time-lapse or scene-change that would have allowed this to happen.
Correction: I have watched this twice and both times and there is a umbilical cord.
Corrected entry: How did Boone know where to find Shannon in Sydney, Australia? She never mentions over the phone on where she is.
Correction: There are plenty of possible explanations to this. She could have called again on another occation, she could have left her adress with a friend or family member, he could have tracked her through a detective agency, he could have found out that the call came from Australia and then tracked her through official registries etc. After all, some time passes between the two scenes of Shannon calling and Boone showing up in Australia.
Corrected entry: Polar bears have muscles so dense, that if you were to unload an entire handgun clip into him, you'd only piss it off even further. If he was shot in the head he'd go down but the head has no sign of any blood or injuries of any sort.
Correction: It's not known for a fact that it was a polar bear. Also, the island is full of mysteries. It being gunned down by one bullet could be One of Them.
White Rabbit - S1-E5
Corrected entry: In Jack's flashback when he finds his father's wallet he pulls out two Australian $50 notes, the note behind the one shown is actually a piece of yellow paper. (The writing small characters on the edges are missing).
Correction: That's probably becuase the other note isn't a $50 note at all. You don't see enough of the second "note" on screen. It might supposed to be a yellow piece of paper that Jack's dad had in his wallet.
Corrected entry: After the events of 9/11 it has been illegal to bring knives on board a plane. Yet Locke manages to bring an entire set of knives on board.
Correction: It was stated in the show (episode 1.04) that Locke checked the knives (ie: they were in the aircraft's cargo hold with the rest of the luggage). Locke didn't bring the knives on board in his carry-on.
Corrected entry: Locke had been in the wheelchair for 4 years, then miraculously, he is able to walk again after the plane crash. After 4 years in the wheelchair, his leg muscles would have deteriorated so badly, his legs would not have been able to even support his own weight, let alone walk or jog.
Corrected entry: In an early episode, Michael tells somebody that he had never seen his son, Walt, until after his wife died. In this episode his flashback shows that he was with his son until Walt was probably 18 months old.
Correction: Michael tells Locke "I wasn't part of his life until his mother passed away, two weeks ago" as a reply to Locke's statement that Michael should be proud of Walt's bravery. That doesn't mean he never saw Walt, he probably just means that he wasn't around for the formative years that made Walt brave.
Correction: While Kate is in the office, we see her being struck on the left side, which leaves a bruise on the left side of her lip. Then it cuts away to the main bank area, just before the door to the office opens, when Kate comes out with more bruising on the right side. Time has passed between the two shots, and it was during that time that Kate received more bruises to be more convincing as a supposed victim. We do not need to see it onscreen to know that this occurred.
Super Grover ★