Plot hole: In the episode where the Sliders go to the world where Quinn sees himself as a child attending his father's funeral. Quinn helps his young self deal with bullies. Quinn repeatedly mentions is was all happening the way it did on Earth Prime. The flaw here is that in the Series Premier episode, they showed a picture of Quinn, his mom and dad. Quinn was a teenager in that picture, not a kid. Therefore the events in the alternate world they were visiting could not be happening the exact same way. The man in the picture is the same man shown as his father in the other worlds so it cannot be a "stepfather" that his mom remarried.
Plot hole: The length of time the vortex stays open varies throughout the show and seems based on when the writers want it to close. In several episodes the vortex is said to stay open for 60 seconds. Sometimes the group goes through immediately (to avoid danger) and sometimes wait (to say good-bye). Yet it will still close after the last Slider goes through, even if it's open for less than 15 seconds. And it's not closing because the 4th person went through since sometimes more than 4 people go through.
Character mistake: The Sliders are constantly trying to interact with a new world despite not knowing anything about it. This action often leads to misunderstandings, arrests, or threat of death. Sometimes there's even posted signs that they don't bother reading until it's pointed out by someone they've upset or annoyed. Yet they continue this action. They played a death lottery without asking question, order beer when it's not available to them, or try to pay without local currency.
Audio problem: When Rembrandt is walking down his steps to his car while singing the national anthem, the words don't match what his lips are doing.
Other mistake: Quinn is watching the video of the basketball returning from the vortex. The video shows him catching the basketball, then we see a shot of Quinn pressing the fast-forward button until he shows the basketball to the camera and says "and the crowd goes crazy!" The problem is that even though he pressed only the fast-forward button, the video fast-forwards from a point before the basketball came out of the vortex, which is impossible since Quinn never rewound the tape.
Other mistake: Quinn's alarm clock turns on, then about 8 seconds later we see the time change from 7:59 to 8:00. All clock radios turn on when the time changes, or possibly fade in slowly a few minutes before the alarm time, not a few seconds before.
Revealing mistake: The doorway inside Quinn's house on ice-world is lined with snow-covered icicles. Watch as Arturo walks through this doorway; he bumps into the icicles and you can see that it is just a bunch of cotton.
Other mistake: Rembrandt is being tried in the People's Court. When he is sworn in, the bailiff ends the oath with "so help you God?" In this Earth alternative, the US is under Communist rule. There is no way God would be a part of an oath.
Factual error: When the missile intersects with the asteroid, and nothing happens right away, Arturo mentions to Bennish that light travels at over 186,000 miles per second, implying that the light from the explosion will take a moment to become visible. The problem is that by the time the missile is about to hit the asteroid, the light from the missile itself will have just as much lag time as the asteroid's explosion. The explosion should therefore have appeared immediately upon seeing the missile hit the asteroid.
Factual error: An early nuclear warhead would be totally inadequate for destroying an asteroid 10KM in diameter - you'd need a bomb roughly FIFTY THOUSAND times more powerful than the Project Trinity bomb.
Factual error: The light and the noise from the explosion are in sync to the observers on earth. However, as anyone who has been to a fireworks display can tell you, sound travels much slower than light. In fact, as far away as the explosion was, it's questionable whether any noticeable sound would reach earth at all. Even if it did, it would be heard long after the light is seen.
Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Sliders are walking along pushing the dead car and are intercepted by the army, watch John Rhys-Davies' hand placement. As he confronts the troops, the scene goes from him placing his hands in his coat pockets to a back shot of him clasping them behind his back. As the conversation continues, it cuts to a front shot where his hands are, once again, in his coat pockets. Every time the camera shifts from front to back, his hand placement changes with it.
Continuity mistake: At the bar when the 3 are watching the game, Max has his hand up against his mouth as he's thinking. When Wade asks what he thinks, the shot changes and his hand is down.
Continuity mistake: Just before the friends slide, the door behind Rembrandt and Arturo alternates between open and closed between shots.
Continuity mistake: When Serena and Rembrandt go sit on the couch, she hadn't grabbed the champagne glass yet, only reaching for it. But in the next shot it's already up to her to lips.

Continuity mistake: After Quinn bumps his head, he touches the wound with his left hand and his watch is turned around so the face looking inward. In the very next shot, from a different angle, he resumes touching his head but the watch has turned around to the standard position.
Continuity mistake: Quinn finds Natalie and goes over to where she is drinking and conversing with a man seated at a table. Quinn goes over, and in the next shot, she is alone at the table.
Deliberate mistake: Wade and Quinn go to the Top Hat Club. We see a line of people waiting to get in. After they are in the club a while, leave in a taxi, go to the park to meet Rembrandt and Arturo, discuss some things, talk to some passersby, and go back to the Top Hat. We again see a line waiting to get in. It is the same line with the same people in the same place as way earlier. It is a repeated shot of the previous queue from when they went there the first time.
Gillian Of The Spirits - S2-E3
Revealing mistake: When the nude lady closes the door, look closely - you can see the edge of her pink bra right under the bar. (00:43:30)
Gillian Of The Spirits - S2-E3
Plot hole: Quinn is unable to touch anything or anyone, yet he is somehow able to sit in a taxi cab. Why doesn't he fall through the car seat?
Suggested correction: This is a common trope with ghosts or people on the astral plane or out of phase. It's not a mistake since it's not a real life thing and it's not explained how it works (although there are some theoretical physics theories behind it). He can sit in the cab the same way he can walk on the ground and up stairs.