Mr. Monk and the Captain's Marriage - S4-E12
Continuity mistake: In the hospital scene, the items on Gerald's tray change positions several times between takes. (00:27:00)
Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14
Continuity mistake: When the captain receives the victim's phone record (outside at the neighbor's house) he calls a number on the bill. But the phone starts to ring (on the other end) before he presses the last digit.
Mr. Monk Bumps His Head - S4-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cora goes upstairs, her cat is curled up asleep in a chair. In the next, close-up shot, the cat is awake and sitting at the edge of the chair cushion, looking up at Monk with its front feet hanging over the side. When the shot cuts to wide angle again, kitty is instantly back in his original position, snoozing far from the edge and curled up against the pillows. (00:32:45)
Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14
Continuity mistake: When Monk is describing the laser pointer incident to Dr. Kroger, the doctor closes his black folder and puts it on the arm of his chair. In the very next shot, it's back in his lap, and he again closes it and places it on the chair arm. (00:25:00)
Mr. Monk and the Secret Santa - S4-E9
Continuity mistake: When Alice is in Stottlemeyer's office and Stottlemeyer can't find Terry's present, Alice says, "But what about..." indicates the bottle of port, and then drops her arms to her sides. In the next shot (when we see Alice from the back), we can tell by the position of her elbows that her hands are not at her sides, but in front of her.
Mr. Monk Goes to the Dentist - S4-E15
Continuity mistake: When Monk has been chloroformed in his home and is gradually sliding down the doorframe, the dentist's assistant's hands go from being clasped under her chin in one shot to by her sides in another.
Mr. Monk and the Captain's Marriage - S4-E12
Continuity mistake: When Stottlemeyer goes to open the window in his house, the position of his body (especially his right arm) changes between shots. (00:07:50)
Mr. Monk and the Other Detective - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: The body in the car park (covered with a yellow sheet) moves around from shot to shot. Sometimes it's parallel to the parking bay lines, other times at an angle over them, or at an angle next to them.
Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14
Continuity mistake: When the Astronaut is talking to the kids in the classroom, the position of his arms changes from by his sides to folded between shots.
Continuity mistake: When Natalie props the get-well card up on Monk's bureau, it's partially open. The moment the shot cuts to a different angle, it's completely closed. (00:10:15)
Mr. Monk and the Secret Santa - S4-E9
Continuity mistake: When Alice confesses to the murder in her kitchen, a large green plastic bowl that's been sitting on the counter disappears between shots. (00:38:05)
Mr. Monk and Little Monk - S4-E8
Continuity mistake: In the flashback scene of the kids in the school hallway, the autographed photo of Patty Duke disappears and reappears twice on the inside of Little Monk's locker door as the camera angles change.
Mr. Monk Goes to a Fashion Show - S4-E10
Continuity mistake: When the fashion designer draws a sketch on the newly painted wall, the drawing changes between shots, from four lines to about seven.
Continuity mistake: Monk and Natalie question the landlady, Sylvia, about the missing guest. Every time the camera angle changes, Sylvia's arms change from being crossed in front of her to hanging loosely at her sides.
Mr. Monk and Little Monk - S4-E8
Continuity mistake: When the kids are standing in front of the lockers, one of them is holding Monk's clarinet. The position of the instrument in his hand keeps changing between shots, from bell-up to bell-down, then bell-up again.
Mr. Monk Goes to the Dentist - S4-E15
Continuity mistake: When Randy is at Monk's place talking about hiring him, Monk says "Like who?" to which Randy replies "Like Me". While Randy says this he is holding a glass with one hand, the other being in his pocket. In the next shot, when Natalie says "Is it about the dentist?", Randy is holding it with two hands. Then, in the next shot, he is holding it with one hand again.
Mr. Monk and Mrs. Monk - S4-E6
Continuity mistake: When the Trudy impersonator is talking to Janice's father in the diner, the venetian blinds on the window to his left alternate between raised and lowered positions as the shots change. (00:06:50)
Mr. Monk Gets Jury Duty - S4-E16
Continuity mistake: When the man with the letter from the Attorney General is telling Stottlemeyer not to 'screw it up', he is moving the letter in his hand. However, every time we see Stottlemeyer front on, there is a corner of the letter in the shot, and the letter remains stationary even while the other agent is moving it.
Mr. Monk and the Other Detective - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: During Monk's therapy session, Dr. Kroger places his black folder on the arm of his chair. Every time the camera angle changes, the position of his right arm shifts from resting in his lap to lying on top of the folder.
Mr. Monk Goes to the Office - S4-E4
Continuity mistake: When Monk and Natalie are talking to Kemp in his office, the desk ornament and the cup of pencils that Monk keeps organizing change positions between shots. In the shots from Monk's side of the desk, the ornament is closer to the door. In the shots from Kemp's side, the pencil cup is closer. (00:09:40 - 00:11:20)
Answer: The two men are trying to work out a secret deal between them without involving the union, which means the workers' interests aren't being represented and defeats the whole purpose of a union. The mayor would lose labor's support and Cusack's union troubles would just be starting.
Captain Defenestrator