Plot hole: Quite often the Rangers were contacted at school and would teleport to the command center, danger zone, etc. It is safe to say that the faculty would notice star pupils missing classes so often, yet it was never questioned or addressed.
Plot hole: The Power Rangers very often talk to the citizens of Angel Grove. However, their voices aren't disguised in any way, so why don't people recognise their voices?
Suggested correction: The entirety of Angel Grove doesn't know them personally. Also that is the power of voice over. You would never sound that clear while wearing a tight helmet that covers your mouth.
So what about when they talk to recurring characters such as the guy who works the bar at the youth centre (can't think of his name off the top of my head).
Haha. It is a bit like standard suspension of disbelief and a common mistake to most superhero TV/movies/comic books even, but I very much agree that there is no real way to make a rational and logical explanation for it. They do meet recurring characters a lot, plus, I mean...they all hang out together, some of them wearing also clothing patterned with a dominance of their trademark ranger colors and that makes the fact that they are a group even more conspicuous.
Suggested correction: I do think schools would be evacuated if there is another monster attack, hence they could not notice them not being around, since class does not take place.
There is no confirmation that schools are evacuated. This explanation is only a theory.
And even if they were, it is standard operating procedure during and school evacuation to take attendance to make sure no kids were left behind. Repeated absences from these role calls would raise eyebrows.
Agreed. There are even times when the Rangers are at the Angel Grove Youth Center but are called away but, nobody notices as people leave all of the time.