Green With Evil (3): The Rescue - S1-E19
Continuity mistake: Rita mocks the Rangers from the cliff. Between shots, Rita's scepter changes, with the circular emblem changing from thin and circular; to thick and oval.
Plot hole: Quite often the Rangers were contacted at school and would teleport to the command center, danger zone, etc. It is safe to say that the faculty would notice star pupils missing classes so often, yet it was never questioned or addressed.
Plot hole: During the Green Candle, in series 1, we are told that the only reason Tommy's Green Ranger powers could be drained is because he touched a special wax. However, Kim, Billy, Zack, and Trini did not touch the special wax, therefore the candles shouldn't have stolen their powers. When they were captured, they were transported straight to a prison cell as Goldar lit the candles, therefore the Rangers couldn't have touched the candles when captured.
Suggested correction: Different candles. A different idea. Just because they did things one way, one day doesn't mean they absolutely have to follow those rules the second time and apply to different people. They could have changed the plan.
Rita's Pita - S3-E25
Revealing mistake: The "giant ice cream" that the Rangers get for Tommy is so obviously not ice cream - it is more similar to rubber.
Continuity mistake: Billy takes Kim's mirror, and it has an blue backing. After Billy morphs, the mirror now has white markings on the backing.
Master Vile and the Metallic Armor (3) - S3-E30
Plot hole: In this episode Globbor's energy is drained when Alpha stops the Solar Eclipse, and his Energy drains in the sunlight and severed the physical link between him and Ninjor. This is strange because in the previous episode Globbor had no trouble fighting in the sunlight, and the link stayed intact in the sunlight.

Other mistake: After the teens leave the command center, Rita sees this and orders the creation of her Putties. Her henchman slaps down a few things of clay into a mold loosely, that then show the perfect figurines of the putties coming out of them. However with the shape of the mold, there is no way that the clay would come out in shapes like that or with that detail. (00:11:35)
Suggested correction: Given that these are literal monsters and a witch living on the moon after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, I don't think we can say for certain what their machinery will do.
This is speculating too much. Practically making the same argument that it's OK because magic. The general physics of what is being displayed on the screen doesn't match up with how the clay fits into the mold even in the slightest.
What Quantom is saying is that they are using a press die to create the mold for the putties and no matter how you look at it, the volume of clay going into the mold is not enough to create the detail seen on the putties.
Continuity mistake: When the kids leave the command center after being teleported there, in one scene they are all wearing different clothes and Trini's actress has changed as well - she has short hair. (00:11:22)
Green With Evil (2): Jason's Battle - S1-E18
Other mistake: In the scene where Tommy is proving himself to Goldar on the beach against the putties, Tommy stares down the last remaining putty and makes a charge towards him. In the wide shot of Tommy charging towards the putty, one of the "dead" putties on the ground lifts his head off the ground slightly, almost as if he is watching the action unfold. (00:09:05)
Suggested correction: They're not dead. They're incapacitated or in a great deal of pain.
Continuity mistake: This can only be seen for a few frames, so slow motion may be needed. Tommy reveals himself as the White Ranger by unclipping his helmet; however, his ponytail is already visible. Tommy's hair should have been inside his suit/helmet if he had just unclipped it. From behind shots, it is tucked in.
Return of the Green Ranger (2) - S2-E45
Factual error: Billy, Kim, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam return to Angel Grove in the 1700's...and there are British Redcoats there. On the West coast, in California. England never deployed troops to California, especially considering it was part of the empire of Spain at that time.
Other mistake: The Tigerzord has various orbs behind the White Ranger, that give the Tigerzord various abilities. The only one we ever see used is the one for a Fireball. For the rest of the series, this orb disappears and reappears, whether the Fireball has been used or not.
Plot hole: The whole "reverse time" thing is messed up. Master Vile claims that everyone has been changed back to children. So where would the adults we see for the remainder of the series come from? The Rangers are all about 20, and they're turned back into about 10 year olds. Why is Lt. Stone turned back approximately 30 years, into a 10 year old? It can't be that the reversal was different for each person, as Master Vile claims everyone is a child again. Very confusing.
Green With Evil (3): The Rescue - S1-E19
Revealing mistake: When Goldar flips Jason into the wall, Jason's foot moves the wall back almost completely out of shot.
A Monster of Global Proportions - S2-E25
Deliberate mistake: A few deliberate mistakes here. It was around this time that 3 of the actors on the show (Austin St. John, Walter Jones, and Thuy Trang; who played Jason, Zack, and Trini) walked out over pay issues. So, to work around this until replacement rangers could be found, Saban used old footage of the 3 that walked out. The mistakes are as follows: 1) Tommy is shown to be wearing green. The Rangers wore clothes that matched the colour of their powers - Tommy was now the White Ranger (and should be wearing White clothing), as the Green Ranger powers had been destroyed. 2) Zack's hair changed from dreads, to his flat cut. This had an instant effect on Kimberley and Tommy's hair (again, due to the old footage), which had gotten noticeably longer as the series progressed. 3) Jason, Zack, and Trini's voices were different when they were morphed - obviously, they were voice sound-a-likes.
Stop the Hate Master (1) - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: Bulk has stepped on Skull's hand. We see a close-up of Bulk's foot on Skull's hand. When we cut to a wide shot of Bulk and Skull, Bulk's foot is no longer on Skull's hand, yet Skull is still squirming like his hand is trapped - as evident by Skull pulling his hand to get it free, and holding it when Bulk walks away.
Zedd Waves - S2-E26
Continuity mistake: Beam-Caster's colour changes 3 times during the episode, It starts as and a orange body with a blue cape, to a black body and black cape. then later back to orange body and blue cape, and finally back to all black clothing again.
Revealing mistake: The giant tin opener Bulk and Skull use to try and open Rita's dumpster is not metal at all - you can see the handle flopping over. It is more similar to Styrofoam.
Continuity mistake: When Tommy gives Jason his Power Coin, Jason receives the Overshield and Dragondagger. The positions of Jason's arms change between frames when he receives them.
Continuity mistake: When Bulk and Skull are waiting out the appearance of the Rangers, Bulk's kneepads are just below his knees. When he goes to grab Skull (after the explosion), they are around his ankles. When they arrive at the explosion scene, they are on his knees.
Suggested correction: I do think schools would be evacuated if there is another monster attack, hence they could not notice them not being around, since class does not take place.
There is no confirmation that schools are evacuated. This explanation is only a theory.
And even if they were, it is standard operating procedure during and school evacuation to take attendance to make sure no kids were left behind. Repeated absences from these role calls would raise eyebrows.
Agreed. There are even times when the Rangers are at the Angel Grove Youth Center but are called away but, nobody notices as people leave all of the time.