Continuity mistake: Whenever we see the Rangers morph it is always the same clip that is used to show this. This is especially apparent towards the middle of Season 2 when Zack has dreadlocks in the program, but his crew cut hair in the morph sequence. (00:07:25)
Continuity mistake: When the Villains send their cronies (for example, Putties, Tengu Warriors, Cogs, Piranhatrons, etc.), their numbers constantly change from when they arrive, to when they leave. This is due to the use of Japanese footage used from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.
Continuity mistake: When the Rangers morph, the clothes they are wearing don't match what they have been wearing that episode - this also applies to hair.
Continuity mistake: In the 12 series (Power Rangers Dino Thunder), in the episode "White Thunder Part 3", The Red Ranger throws his blaster to the ground whilst fighting the White Ranger. In the wide shot, the blaster disappears.
Continuity mistake: The clips on the side of the Rangers helmets constantly disappear and reappear.
Continuity mistake: When in Tank mode and Megazord mode, the order in which the Rangers sit is: Billy, Trini, Jason, Kim, Zach. When switching between Tank mode and Megazord mode, Trini and Kim are switched - they are then back to their original seats once the Megazord has been formed.
Continuity mistake: When the Megazord is in Tank mode, the Mastidon's head section is attached to the center of the Zord. But when the Zord begins to stand up and form the Megazord, the Mastidon head section is gone.

Continuity mistake: After Rita is freed and blows up her dumpster prison, she taunts the astronauts and says she's going to destroy the nearest planet. She's making a hand gesture as she does and then suddenly between cuts she's in a different position. The goons beside her also are in different stances. (00:01:58)

Continuity mistake: When Bulk and Skull are thrown onto the crash mats, Skull's position changes instantly. Note the edge of the pattern on the mat in relation to his left knee. (00:04:00)
Continuity mistake: At the start we see Billy taking a karate class taught by Jason. In this shot you can the Rangers are wearing their communicators despite Billy having not created them yet. (00:04:30)

Continuity mistake: When Bulk and Skull interrupt the Karate lesson and push Billy aside. A shot of Jason standing next to the wall has a painting of an umbrella right behind Jason's shoulder. Then when Bulk and Skull walk up to him, suddenly there is a good couple feet distance between him and the umbrella. (00:05:17)

Continuity mistake: At the juice bar, Ernie walks up with a tray of drinks and asks who ordered the spinach juice. The shot changes as the ground begins to shake, and suddenly the drinks in his tray are in different positions. Most notably the blue and red cups Switching Places. (00:06:47)
Continuity mistake: When the kids leave the command center after being teleported there, in one scene they are all wearing different clothes and Trini's actress has changed as well - she has short hair. (00:11:22)
Continuity mistake: When we see the long shot of Rita blowing up the ground by the rangers, the clothes of the people in the long shot don't match what the rangers are wearing. Their positions are also different. (00:12:20)
Continuity mistake: In this episode there are a few shots of Goldar with wings. However it is explained in season 2 by Lord Zed that Rita denies Goldar his wings, as Zed gives Goldar his wings back.
Continuity mistake: When Skull gets up in Jason's face about the climbing rope, asking if he's saying Bulk can't do it, there is a girl in the background with a red shirt sitting down. In the next shot when the camera pulls back, this girl is suddenly up and walking off to the right of camera. (00:02:33)

Continuity mistake: After Bulk's first attempt to climb the rope, falling to the mat on his butt, Kimberly and Zack are from the overhead view towards the bottom of the screen at the side of the mat. Kimberly is standing away from it, and Zack has one foot on. After Bulk stands up and there's a different angle, suddenly Kimberly and Zack are both on the mat right next to the rope. Jason, Billy and Trini also slightly change positions. (00:03:00)

Continuity mistake: When the Red Ranger is being held by the giant monster, his right arm goes from trapped to free and back between shots. (00:16:20)