
Phoenix (2) - S3-E2

Corrected entry: While Clark is inside the semi-truck being delivered to Morgan Edge and Lionel Luthor he manages to remove the kryponite apparently duct taped to his chest. This cannot be possible since he even a small piece of kryptonite (Lana's necklace) was enough for him to trip and fall from several feet away! Imagine a larger chunk like the one they strapped to his chest. He should have been severely weakened by it and the radiation should go through anything in that truck besides lead and the tape used to secure the rock on Clark's chest is not made of lead. His ability to not only have the strength to rip the taped rock off his chest but to then launch it to the far side of the truck should not be possible in view of the nearly immobilizing effects kryptonite has on Clark.

Correction: Seeing all of the times that Clark has been exposed to kryptonite on Smallville, I've made a simple observation. Kryptonite does not take away all of Clark's strength. Rather, it makes him about 1/4 to 1/2 as strong as a normal person of his build. He is still able to perform some physical things, like throwing a rock (which can be seen in the Season 1 Episode 3, Hothead, when he chucks several kryptonite stones at a glass window and breaks it with the impact). There's no accurate way of measuring the pain that he endures from kryptonite, but his physical strength is somewhere along those lines. Therefore, although it would, of course, be painful, he still has enough strength (possibly after getting used to the pain) to be able to pull off the duct tape and throw the kryptonite away from him.


Forever - S4-E21

Corrected entry: When the students become wax their eyes move indicating that they are aware of their surroundings. However, that would mean the Chloe and Lana would have to be unconscious when they were turned into wax and taken from the school, to the fake school, without knowing what had happened.

Correction: They would only be able to see if their eyes were open at the moment that they were frozen. Since we don't see these moments, there's no way to tell.


Pariah - S4-E12

Corrected entry: In the begining of the episode pariah Lana is taking a shower. They show you she turned on the cold water, but when she's attacked, steam is practically running out of the shower and the mirror is fogged. Now, if she is taking a cold shower, how is this possible?

Correction: Some time has passed, and she could have turned on the hot water off camera.


Pilot - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Clark (again in his imagined football game) begins to run down field, he knocks 4 defensive players out of his way. These are numbers 82, 72,66, and 55. When he has run many yards, not only does 82 jump and miss him again (from the front) but he jumps over the same 4 players, in the same order they were lined up before, to land in the endzone. (00:16:40)

Correction: It was a fantasy. He can imagine jumping the same players again if he wants to.

Crusade - S4-E1

Corrected entry: When Lana is in the shower, you can see steam billowing up around her just as she turns it on. Water can't get that hot, that fast.

Correction: For some time now there has been available "point of use" water heaters, also called "tankless water heaters". If these are installed near the shower you will get hot water immediately.


Obscura - S1-E20

Corrected entry: Chloe has been put in a coffin and buried underground. However the ground above her is covered in grass. Chloe was not buried for no more than even a day. There should not be grass over her grave, and there is no signs of it being freshly dug.

Correction: It is possible to pull up the grass and its roots with the topsoil and replace it after a hole has been dug. Usually its done to keep your yard from looking bad until new grass can grow. In this case it was done to hide the grave.


Leech - S1-E12

Corrected entry: In this episode, as Clark and his parents are first discussing his new weaknesses, the school bus stops directly in front of his farm. In every other episode, Clark, Pete, and Chloe have to walk together quite a distance to reach the bus stop where they all get on. (00:06:10)


Correction: Not true- in the pilot you can see the bus stop outside Clark's house, then drive off.

Season 1 generally

Corrected entry: In the Pilot, Clark's spaceship has an almost shell-like appearance - it looks layered. Thereafter, it is smooth, almost shaped like a rounded arrow head. (00:27:45 - 00:33:00)

Correction: The ship is designed so that the outer part we see in the pilot protects Clark in space from assorted dangers, then falls away due to friction in Earth's atmosphere (this can be seen on the DVD opening titles before the menus), which leaves the sturdier inner part intact for crash landing.

Pilot - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When the meteor shower occurs, Lionel is signing the contract to buy the factory. However, it comes up in a later episode that Luthorcorp is only able to buy the factory once Johnathan talks the owner into it, after Lionel got him and Martha adoption papers for Clark, which of course they didn't need until after the meteor shower. (00:02:50)

Correction: Pete's family owned the creamed corn factory that Luthorcorp turned into the fertilizer plant. The farmer that he was signing a deal with that day may have owned other land in Smallville that Lionel was there to purchase.

Season 3 generally

Corrected entry: In the season 3 episode with Justin, the character who can see people's deaths, we are told he was born on the day of the meteor shower. This would make him 4-5 years younger than Clark and Lana (judging by their ages in the pilot), yet he is somehow in high school with them and getting the same homework. How can this be possible?


Correction: The kid had previously been home schooled so he could have easily been advanced for his age and there fore in a higher grade than most kids his age.

Correction: First, his name was Jordan. Second, it's been well established that Lana was 3 years old at the time of the meteor shower, so 4-5 years is just wrong. Third, it's established Jordan is a freshman, which Lana and Clark are not. Having the same class as other students doesn't mean they're in the same grade. And I often was a year younger than kids in my grade (without anyone skipping or being held back a year), so it's possible Jordan is a freshman while Lana and Clark are still juniors.


Visage - S2-E11

Corrected entry: Tina Greer disguised as Whitney walks down the hallway dressed in marine corps dress blues. His rank was a private first class, yet he had a blood stripe going down his pant legs. You do not receive the blood stripe until you reach corporal. Also the medals were wrong and some missing (i.e. combat action). The marine that comes to the house later and is killed by Tina Greer, had medals that were wrong as well.

Correction: Being Tina, she doesn't know everything there is know about the military. It's not really a character mistake, either, since it's in character with her brash nature of only caring about Lana and nothing else.


Extinction - S3-E3

Corrected entry: When the bad guy shoots at Clark with the kryptonite bullet, he is facing the other way, then hears the shot, turns around and tries to catch the bullet. This couldn't have happened because a bullet from that kind of rifle is faster than the speed of sound. So the bullet would have hit him in the back before the sound could reach his ears.

Correction: The bullet is made of nothing but kryptonite. Besides the fact that you wouldn't be able to shoot it out of that gun without heavy modifications (which may not even be possible), being kryptonite means there is no way we could know how it would act if it were fired out of a gun. One can't presume to know the capabilities of a fictional substance unless it's directly stated in the fiction, which it isn't.


Savior - S9-E1

Corrected entry: When Lois goes back to the train car she meets up with Davis Bloom. After learning she has been missing for three weeks she asks what day it is and he replies it's Friday the 25th. Lois also picks up a newspaper and the date reads Friday the 25th. The train accident happened the night before, the date should read Thursday the 24th.


Correction: When Lois goes back to the train car she meets up with "John Corben". Davis Bloom was already dead by this point in the show.

Correction: How is this a mistake? The bullets hit their mark and flew off somewhere else. Since we don't see them after they're fired, there's no reason to assume that they hit the table.


Obsession - S3-E14

Corrected entry: Clark and Alicia are in the basement of the school, as part of the plan to trick Alicia, and, as they go to leave, Alicia picks up her bag with Clark right next to her. A few minutes later we find out that Alicia has a kryptonite rock in her bag. She takes it out of her bag to get away from Clark. Clark felt no effects from the rock before that even though he was in such close proximity, and surely a bag would not be enough to protect his from feeling the effects.

Correction: Being obsessed with him, she would also likely know that lead blocks the effects of the kryptonite. She could have kept it in a lead casing and would only have used it just in case. Otherwise she would have been hurting him for no reason.


Redux - S2-E6

Corrected entry: Chrissy is the leader of Spirit Week and is trying to organise it. We see her kiss her boyfriend Troy, and suck the life out of him a few days before Spirit Week. However, Chloe pulls up the file on Troy, and it says his date of death is June 20, 2002. This is highly unlikely, as Spirit Week is put on in the days leading up to Homecoming, and Homecoming is usually in late September or October.

Correction: Schools don't all follow the same schedules. While schools in nearby areas would have similar schedules, it's not unreasonable to think that one school's Homecoming is months away from another school's Homecoming that's on the other side of the country.


Obsession - S3-E14

Corrected entry: Earlier in the episode Lana is looking through Adam's journal which contains entries through at least the end of January. However, when Clark is taking Alicia home after their date, there are Christmas lights up due to filming during the holidays.

Correction: Some people don't take their decorations down right away. I have neighbors whom leave theirs up until February.


Velocity - S3-E13

Corrected entry: After Clark speeds past Pete, Clark stops in front of Pete's car causing Pete to slam on his brakes. After they argue about why Pete is street racing Pete gets in the car and leaves but there are no skid marks on the road from him slamming on his brakes.

Correction: Skid marks don't happen all the time.


Redux - S2-E6

Corrected entry: Clark is supposed to hide his powers from everyone. When the other swimmer in the final race starts to drown Clark uses his super speed to get him off of the bottom of the pool. Everyone who was in the pool area had their eyes on the drowning kid so somebody should have seen Clark just appear at his side.

Correction: People would care more about him getting saved than who was saving him, so, no, they wouldn't have noticed Clark. He likely went slow enough as to not draw too much attention, yet of course still fast enough to save the one drowning.


The mistake is valid. Chrissy brings everyone's attention to Troy struggling in the water so people are stand at the edge of the pool looking into it before Clark reacts. Clark then uses his super speed to get to Troy on the bottom in an instant. People watching would have seen Clark move like a blur and then appear at Troy's side. When he brings him up, he moves at normal human speed.


Kinetic - S1-E13

Corrected entry: Chloe discovers that the thieves are using kryptonite tattoos to Accelerate their metabolism to hyperspeed, allowing them to reach through the space between atoms in solid objects. That's fine, but this acceleration wouldn't be consciously controlled. The thieves might be able to move through any solid objects, but they certainly wouldn't be able to pick anything up or wear clothes just because they wanted to. The metabolism shift would only affect their living cells, not adjacent nonliving ones. (00:32:35)


Correction: Chloe doesn't "discover" this, she theorizes. Obviously, she was mistaken.

JC Fernandez

Gone - S4-E2

Other mistake: Lois digs up Chloe's grave site to unearth her casket. It is obvious that the casket is not buried six feet deep. You would think, with all that is going on, that LuthorCorp would have at least buried the casket deeper to deter inquisitive eyes and maybe throw in a few scattered bones for good measure.

More mistakes in Smallville

Trespass - S6-E14

Martha Kent: Clark? What are you still doing out here?
Clark Kent: Well, I'm still doing my chores.
Martha Kent: Well, you usually finish those in about two minutes. How is it that I drove to Metropolis, attended the Children's Foundation dinner, and made it back before you finished?
Clark Kent: Because I'm doing them the normal way.

More quotes from Smallville

Trivia: Clark always wears blue and red clothes (or at least one of these colors). No surprise that when he got his Superman costume, he chose those same colors.

More trivia for Smallville

Show generally

Question: Throughout the series, people mutate fairly soon after their exposure to kryptonite. Is it ever explained how Lana has managed to wear a piece of kryptonite around her neck for 12 years and not change?

Answer: The kryptonite only creates mutations when it reacts with the environment and an individual. Remember, the FDA and several environmental groups did check out Smallville after the meteor shower, but found no danger in the rocks. Obviously they're not always emitting mutating rays, or all the flora and fauna of the surrounding area would be horribly mutated.


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