
Smallville (2001)

8 corrected entries in season 4

(4 votes)

Sacred - S4-E15

Corrected entry: Lois comments to Clark that they need to meet up with their tour guide in Shanghai, because she will speak fluent Mandarin, which neither of them do. However, there is a specific and well-established Chinese dialect spoken in Shanghai, called Shanghainese, which is neither Mandarin nor Cantonese, and that should be the language that their tour guide would speak.


Correction: Firstly, Lana went to Shanghai with Clark, not Lois. Secondly, she isn't being specific when she says they'll need someone who speaks Mandarin - she simply means that they'll need someone who can understand the local dialect. Someone with little or no knowledge of China would never have heard of Shanghainese, so when talking about the language they'd call it Mandarin, the more well-known dialect.


Run - S4-E5

Corrected entry: Bart uses Kryptonite on Clark to make sure that he doesn't get followed. This would be impossible because earlier in the show Bart says that this is his very first trip to Smallville, therefore he shouldn't have known what Clark's weakness is.

Correction: Earlier in the episode, Bart stumbles upon a box containing the kryptonite in Clark's room. Bart opens it and notices Clark is weakening. When Bart asks him what's wrong, Clark tells him to close it because he's allergic to the rock.

Forever - S4-E21

Corrected entry: When the students become wax their eyes move indicating that they are aware of their surroundings. However, that would mean the Chloe and Lana would have to be unconscious when they were turned into wax and taken from the school, to the fake school, without knowing what had happened.

Correction: They would only be able to see if their eyes were open at the moment that they were frozen. Since we don't see these moments, there's no way to tell.


Pariah - S4-E12

Corrected entry: In the begining of the episode pariah Lana is taking a shower. They show you she turned on the cold water, but when she's attacked, steam is practically running out of the shower and the mirror is fogged. Now, if she is taking a cold shower, how is this possible?

Correction: Some time has passed, and she could have turned on the hot water off camera.


Crusade - S4-E1

Corrected entry: When Lana is in the shower, you can see steam billowing up around her just as she turns it on. Water can't get that hot, that fast.

Correction: For some time now there has been available "point of use" water heaters, also called "tankless water heaters". If these are installed near the shower you will get hot water immediately.


Recruit - S4-E13

Corrected entry: While Clark and Geoff are driving through Metropolis, they drive past a TD Waterhouse bank, TD standing for Toronto Dominion and only available in Canada. Filming of Smallville takes place in Vancouver, Canada. Simple geography error.

Correction: Metropolis is a FICTIONAL city. They can have branches of whatever banks they want. Also, TD is an international bank, they do business in many countries besides Canada.

Spell - S4-E8

Corrected entry: After Chloe, Lana and Lois vanish from Clark's barn you can see Clark's chest with blood streaking down. The problem is the wounds are too far apart to have been made by Chloe's hand.

Correction: They were made by magic, since it is magic that he is vulnerable to.

This correction is missing the point. We know it was magic, but Chloe used her physical hand to scratch him, instead of something like scratching at the air and having the magic do the scratching.


Jinx - S4-E7

Corrected entry: As Clark speeds away to save Chloe, he is in the middle of a play in the championship football game. One of the other team's defenders is in the air in front of him and is going to sack Clark. Clark goes into super speed, runs to the room where Mxyzptlk has Chloe, knocks the knife out of his hand, pushes him away from Chloe, snaps the links on Chloe's cuffs, runs back out to the field to finish the game with nobody, not even the defender directly in front of his face, realizing he was gone. 1.) In order for Clark to do all the stuff he did and get back, with no one noticing, he would have to run faster than the speed of light. At that speed he would have been noticed as he broke the speed barrier several times over. 2.) The wind Turbulence from his body cutting through the air that fast would also have been noticed. The wind from a car going by at 30+ mph is easily felt. Clark's speed could have easily sucked everyone off the field in his wake. 3.) Smacking Mxyzptlk's hand and then shoving his chest at that speed would have caused Mxyzptlk to suffer substantial injuries (broke wrist/hand, broken ribs) none of which he shows later on with Lex.

Correction: I disagree with this even being here. This series is fiction and you could say this statement in every episode in the series. This is not a plot hole. This is what you call fiction. We all know someone could never do the things Clark does.

Gone - S4-E2

Other mistake: Lois digs up Chloe's grave site to unearth her casket. It is obvious that the casket is not buried six feet deep. You would think, with all that is going on, that LuthorCorp would have at least buried the casket deeper to deter inquisitive eyes and maybe throw in a few scattered bones for good measure.

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Trivia: Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of the Clark Kent/Superman character worked on a school magazine when he was at Glenville High School, Cleveland. The magazine was called The Torch - the same name of Smallville High's school magazine, edited by Chloe Sullivan and with Clark Kent as an on/off contributor.

Jeff Walker

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Answer: In the comics, Krypto is a dog from Krypton who was used as the passenger in a test launch by Jor-El, Superman's father, before he launched the actual rocket taking his infant son to Earth. Krypto's capsule was involved in a mishap, sending it out of Kryptonian orbit and eventually found its way to Earth where he linked up with the young Clark Kent. Like any native of Krypton, Krypto has superpowers on Earth. In Smallville, the dog is a standard Earth dog who has been experimentally injected with kryptonite, giving him super-strength for a limited period of time, who escapes and links up with Clark (who suggests the name Krypto, ostensibly because of the dog's cryptic origins). It doesn't take too long for the dog's strength to fade, and the Kents decide to keep him, although they ultimately name him Shelby, after a dog that Martha Kent had in childhood.


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