CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Say Uncle - S9-E6

Other mistake: When Brass is asking if a witness or someone they are speaking with knows the victim, you can see the victim's name on the bottom of the crime scene photo before brass is supposed to know the identity of the victim.

Bad Words - S4-E19

Plot hole: A central plot device in this episode is that there is no six letter word made up of the letters EXVIN, so the murdered man cheats at the word game by playing a word he knew to be inadmissible - exvin, a wine connoisseur who no longer drinks. Since he is supposed to be a stone cold killer player at this word game, don't you think he would have thought of Vixen? Sara Sidle points that word out later - why wouldn't a world champion word game player have figured it out, using a safe, common word and avoiding a possible challenge?

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Suggested correction: If you watch the episode (timecode 00:36:20), in the flashback it shows exactly why he did not use vixen. There were 2 spaces between the "x" and the "n" on the board, so Adam played a bluff and used the fake word exvin.

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Sounds of Silence - S1-E20

Trivia: For those who don't (or can't) read American Sign Language, at the end of the episode, Grissom says to Dr. Gilbet is that his mother lost her hearing when she was eight years old. He once asked her what is it like to be deaf, and she told Grissom (who loved to swim) that it was like being underwater. She also taught him that being deaf does not make one inferior to others. Dr. Gilbert then replies that she teaches her students the same lesson.

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Play with Fire - S3-E22

Question: Why would Catherine take the blame for the lab explosion? If anyone was to blame it was Hodges. Since he accidentally turned on the hot plate and even admits that sometimes it gets switched on by others accidentally, if he had bothered to make sure he didn't switch it on before leaving the room, the explosion never would have happened.

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