CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Face Lift - S1-E17

Corrected entry: Sara states that she couldn't eat meat because of Gil's last experiment with a rotting pig. But two episodes before (S01-15 "Table Stakes") she was so exhausted that all she wants was a steak and a shot. (00:28:10)

Correction: I am teetotal, but have been known to say "I need a drink". It's called a metaphorical statement.

Correction: While I know this simply comes down to a matter of opinion, I disagree. As a nanny and a mother, I think this is very "life like" (considering it depicts a dead child) infant doll, especially considering the harsh light the face is under. They are not trying to hide anything.


Gentle, Gentle - S1-E19

Corrected entry: Forensics notices 3 small dots on a piece of paper on the ransom letter, and states its from the drum of the printer - and if the ransom note was from the printer of the family of the kidnapped child, the paper would have that same mark. Sara grabs a piece of paper out of the in tray on the printer, and says that mark doesn't appear. Of course - the mark is left when the printer prints and the paper gets fed through the printer. She took a piece of paper from the in tray - paper that has yet to go through the printer.

Correction: She has sent it through and set it in the out tray to wait for Grissom to get to the lab.

Sex, Lies and Larvae - S1-E10

Corrected entry: In the flashback scene, where we see the abusive husband shooting his wife in the head against a wall in their home, Sarah and Grissom do not discover any plastering or other repair to the wall (although they do discover the victim's blood). However, during the victim's autopsy scene, we learn that the shot to the victim's head was through-and-through. (This is an important plot point, since it means that the bullet's distinctive composition is not immediately discovered.) Wouldn't the bullet have gone into the wall? Is there any realistic way the murderer could have repaired the damage without Sarah or Grissom discovering it?

Correction: The blood spatter went on the wall from the exit wound BUT the woman's husband shot her in the temple, right to left, (as Doc Robbins said) so it's possible that the bullet went somewhere else other than the wall.

$35K O.B.O. - S1-E18

Corrected entry: When Nick and Greg are in the lab Greg is looking at his date's epithelials through the microscope. Nick wants him to look at some hairs so Greg puts them under the microscope without taking out the epithelials.

Correction: The entire scene is shot from shoulders up, so we can't see what Greg is doing other than he is clearly aware that Nick is prepping the slide with the hair. So it is reasonable to assume that one of the many movements we see in Greg's arms is his removing the epithelial slide in anticipation of Nick's request to view the hairs. At any rate, he obviously places the hair slide into a completely empty microscope.


Face Lift - S1-E17

Corrected entry: After the store clerks enter their pottery store and find the store robbed and a dead body, it shows the Las Vegas Police and the CSI team drive into the front of the building in patrol cars and Suburbans. On one Suburban, you can see the police lights on the right passenger side strapped on to the visor, on the other side you can see the rear-view mirror is directly above the steering mirror. Last time I checked, rear-view mirrors are NEVER above the steering wheel.

Correction: The key here is the phrase "ON THE OTHER SIDE". On the front view, as the vehicle passes coming towards the camera the mirror is properly placed. "On the other side" after vehicle passes the camera and the view is now back through the drivers window the CAMERA ANGLE makes is appear to be over the steering wheel, when in fact it is still properly placed in the middle where it belongs.


Boom - S1-E13

Corrected entry: When Catherine goes to the autopsy of Kristy Hopkins, it is Dr Al Robbins who is performing it. However, she calls him David, who is a different coroner.

Correction: Character mistake, not a film mistake.

Boom - S1-E13

Corrected entry: At the end, Grissom tears a article from the newspaper. When he sticks it to the message board, it has nicely cut edges.

Correction: It's possible that he could have detoured to cut the edges, it just wasn't shown explicitly.

Cool Change - S1-E2

Corrected entry: When we switch back to flashback mode and Holly is scratching the man who shot her, she was working a crime scene and therefore should be wearing latex gloves. Catherine takes the DNA sample from under her fingernail. Do gloves scratch?

Correction: You can see in both this episode and the previous one, that Holly has taken off her gloves before scratching her attacker.

Evaluation Day - S1-E22

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sidle is watching the gorilla documentary, the cover of the pamphlet reads "The Gorilla In It's Natural Habitat." The correct possessive form would be "The Gorilla In ITS Natural Habitat."

Correction: So whoever typed it made a mistake. Character stupidity and bad spelling are not mistakes.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake picture

Too Tough to Die - S1-E16

Character mistake: Seven minutes into the show, Sarah Sidle is about to do an internal sexual assault exam/kit on an unconscious victim in the hospital, Sarah picks up a metal speculum and says aloud to the victim (in a presumed moment of empathy), that she "never really liked this part of my yearly exam. These things are always freezing" referring to the speculum in her hands. She then brings a speculum to her mouth and begins to blow open-mouthed on it two times, forcing her hot breath on it to warm it. She then begins to insert it into the victim as the scene cuts away. This is pure stupidity, as no trained CSI would ever contaminate the tool like this. Sarah just added her own DNA to the speculum via her breath so any saliva or body fluids are now on the speculum what she is about to use on this patient, who is now also exposed to any STDs from Sarah.

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Show generally

Question: Is there an episode in which someone gets impaled by an icicle? I seem to recall the team not being able to find the murder weapon, and then someone realized that it had melted. This could also be CSI: New York.

Answer: The episode on CSI:NY was called "Love Runs Cold" and first aired on October 4, 2006 (Season 3, Episode 3) and involves the investigation of a model found stabbed to death by an ice dagger.


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