Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, and all episode, Luke's diner is considerably smaller than the rest of the series. He has a shelf with random hardware and fishing items that is a window the remainder of the series.
Sadie, Sadie - S2-E1
Continuity mistake: When Richard enters to announce Rory being in the top 3% in her class his handkerchief is shown with 1 point. When he then walks to pour a drink and turns around, it has 2 points showing.
Continuity mistake: When Chris offered to make coffee, and he goes to the water stand, you can see there is already water in the coffee pot.
But Not as Cute as Pushkin - S5-E10
Continuity mistake: When Paris goes to speed dating Rory tells her it's 11 at night and her hair is up, but during speed dating, her hair is down and its daylight outside.
They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? - S3-E7
Continuity mistake: When Luke fixes Lorelai's shoe, he squeezes glue onto the broken heel and places the glue bottle down on the seat to his left, then he holds the heel to the shoe with both hands, but in the next shot that glue bottle is suddenly back in Luke's hand while he's still holding the heel to the shoe. (00:34:20)

Lorelai's Graduation Day - S2-E21
Continuity mistake: When Rory visits Jess she has a cast on her left arm from the car accident, but while Rory's on the bus returning from her trip the cast has vanished, then the cast reappears when Lorelai gets home after graduation. (00:33:15)
Continuity mistake: When Rory and Jess go for the ice cream run the rear-view mirror is missing, but when Rory tells Jess to turn right the rear-view mirror is attached to the windshield in the exterior shot. (00:25:30)
Presenting Lorelai Gilmore - S2-E6
Continuity mistake: During the presenter's introductions at the start of the ball, there's a shot of Lorelai from behind while she's seated alone at the table and we see the glistening necklace around her neck, but in the following shot facing Lorelai as she turns her head toward her parents the necklace has vanished, then she gets up and as Lorelai walks toward Emily and Richard the necklace has reappeared. (00:31:25)
Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy - S2-E5
Continuity mistake: During dinner, when Jess takes the beer from the fridge he walks out the kitchen's back door which has a lattice wall on the porch, and when Lorelai opens the same door, in the next exterior shot she's walking out the side living room door, onto the porch. (00:26:20)
Sadie, Sadie - S2-E1
Continuity mistake: At the diner, when Lorelai stands at the counter telling Luke about Max's proposal, in the shots facing Lorelai we see the red ketchup bottle on the table behind her is either standing upright or lying on its side, changing a few times. (00:07:05)
Love, Daisies and Troubadours - S1-E21
Continuity mistake: When Lorelai tries to remember the name of the guy who used to run the auto-body shop, she opens the kitchen's back door in the interior shot, but in the next exterior shot Lorelai is walking out of the side living room door, with the window beside it. (00:06:15)

Continuity mistake: At Luke's, when Rachel shows Lorelai the photo of the Dragonfly Inn, Rachel says, "It's an old abandoned inn I ran across when I was exploring the other day." So Rachel took the photograph in the last few days, and in the photo the Dragonfly does not have shutters, and does not have a sign hanging over the porch, etc. When Lorelai visits the Dragonfly with Rachel and then with Rory, the shutters and sign have appeared, as well as other changes. (00:04:50 - 00:40:20)
Continuity mistake: At the start, during dinner things on the sideboard move between wideshots and closeups of Rory. Fun to note: when Emily gets up and follows Richard to his seat, as Emily shouts to Siri that Mr. Gilmore is hungry, the camera pans a bit to the left and a water bottle (it's gone in Rory's closeups) has been placed on the sideboard, beside the sterling bud vase, which would cause Emily to have a fit. Obviously one of the actors or the crew left it there.
Continuity mistake: When Rory comes home from her grandparents and talks to Lorelai about Max sleeping on the couch, into the kitchen and the red-white step stool chair is beside Rory's bedroom door, but when she and Lorelai walk into the kitchen it's gone, then it reappears after Lane leaves. (00:39:45)

The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: When Lorelai drives Rory to Chilton, the license plate at the front of her Jeep goes from being attached to the center of the bumper, to the side of the bumper, then back to the center of the bumper. Additionally, the Jeep's rearview mirror has vanished when they're parked at Chilton. (00:03:25)

I'm a Kayak, Hear Me Roar - S7-E15
Continuity mistake: When Lorelai picks up Rory and they head off on a drive there is no rearview mirror on the Jeep's windshield, but when they run out of gas and start their walk, a rearview mirror suddenly appears.

Introducing Lorelai Planetarium - S7-E8
Continuity mistake: When April and Luke are discussing Sabrina's party, the salt shaker and pepper mill switch places on the table, before April moves them to represent boys and girls. (00:09:40)

Continuity mistake: Rory is wearing black gloves when she is packing up her car and finds her community service vest, but in the shot facing Lorelai as Rory hands her the vest the glove is gone, then it reappears. (00:04:45)

Continuity mistake: While Lorelai and Sookie are with Emily doing the test meal, when Emily tells Lorelai to remove the plates she picks up the two plates and walks out of the dining room, but in the next shot the plates have switched hands. (00:23:35)

The Fundamental Things Apply - S4-E5
Continuity mistake: While Lorelai and Michel are at the diner Luke tells Lorelai to take Michel elsewhere, and when Luke goes behind the counter his shirt is perfectly dry in this wideshot and following closeup. but in the next wideshot, as Lorelai tries to get Luke's attention, we now see a round wet spot on Luke's back, but the problem is Lorelai has not yet tossed the lemon wedge at Luke's back that causes the wet spot on his shirt. Lorelai tosses the lemon wedge about ten shots later. (00:07:25)
Answer: Yes, Lane lives with both her parents. Her father does live with them, but he was only seen in the Netflix revival.