Audio problem: In the first scene with the Dalek Supreme, the lights on its dome are way out of synch with its speech.
Audio problem: When the companions are returning to Earth via the pillar of smoke, you can see and hear each person walk up the steps and then supposedly disappear. Unfortunately, you can then hear them walk down the other side of the steps..
Audio problem: About 10 minutes into episode 1, the sound of a pencil being dropped and rolling across the studio floor can be heard. (00:10:00 - 00:11:00)
Audio problem: In Part 3 when the Brigadier gets behind the sand pile with Arthur Ollis, the Brigadier asks him "Did you find a way in?" This is not Nicholas Courtney's voice for this one line. He speaks again right after that and it is his voice. (00:13:20)
Answer: In 'The Five Doctors', three separate Cyberleaders are definitely used. So it's likely that Cyberleaders are like unit commanders, of which a fair-sized army might have several.
Daria Sigma