The Monster of Peladon - S11-E4
Continuity mistake: In episode three, Eckersley turns on the security monitor. The very first image is of the entrance to the refinery, but it does not show the Doctor and Gebek trying to break in. Eckersley then flips through the images and finds one of the refinery with the Doctor and Gebek breaking in.
Continuity mistake: When the Count's henchmen come into the café to get the Doctor, Romana and Duggan, they usher them all out at gunpoint. When you see them in the location filming in Paris, Duggan's not there...but back at the Count's place (in the studio in London) he's reappeared.
Continuity mistake: The end of episode 7 does not match the reprise of the story at the start of episode 8. The Doctor, Security Chief and guards file into the SIDRAT in a different order.
Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the third episode, the countdown reads 49:18:32 in the close up, but when the Brigadier walks across the room it now is on 49:15:01. (In other words three minutes thirty one seconds have elapsed). Yet these two events are about ten seconds apart. Also, the timer should never read either of these times. The professor moved the countdown forward to exactly 49 hours (49:00:00).
The Talons of Weng-Chiang - S14-E6
Continuity mistake: In episode 1, when the Doctor and Leela leave the TARDIS, the door is open and is not moving. They then walk away from the TARDIS for a few seconds. When they hear the attack on Bullard (the Cab Driver) and run past the TARDIS again, the door is magically closed.

Continuity mistake: After the Raston Warrior Robot has killed all the Cybermen, watch the dead Cyberman in the back right of the picture. His arm position changes as the robot teleports away.
Continuity mistake: K-9 looks slightly different in the scene in which he's spinning inside the TARDIS: notice the pattern on his collar.
Continuity mistake: When Wester - an invisible Spiridon - is treating Jo's arm, his shadow can be seen.
Continuity mistake: In episode five, Jo's hairstyle changes. She has one hairstyle in the bulk of the episode, which was filmed in the studio. And a different one during the "Plain of Stones" scenes, which were shot on location.
Genesis of the Daleks - S12-E4
Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, Sarah comments to the Doctor that they haven't returned to "the beacon." When they were last on Nerva - in "The Ark in Space" - it was referred to as a space station. It doesn't become Nerva beacon until the next episode.
Continuity mistake: In the first minute of episode three, one of the evil robot mummies attacks Sarah Jane Smith. In doing so, it lunges forward, misses Sarah Jane, and smashes the "Marconiscope" device, which explodes in flames. However, seconds later, the 'Marconiscope' device is still visible in the next shot, but totally undamaged.
Delta and the Bannermen - S24-E3
Continuity mistake: The Doctor can be seen wearing glasses in some long shots of him riding a motor bike. Normally, Sylvester McCoy (who played the Doctor at this time) removed his glasses before filming. Seems as though he either forgot, or could not ride a motorbike without them.
Continuity mistake: When the Doctor shoots Stor with the De-Mat Gun, the flash starts on Stor's left-hand side, engulfs him, then jumps substantially to the right before whiting out the frame.
Continuity mistake: Throughout the serial, Bessie's tires are dry in studio shots (inside the Doctor's shed) and wet on location shots.
Castrovalva - S19-E1
Continuity mistake: The Doctor's shoes are different at the beginning of this story compared to the ones at the end of the last story.
The Daemons - S8-E5
Continuity mistake: In part one, watch for the continuity error when Miss Hawthorne turns to face the policeman: her cape appears and disappears from around her shoulders from shot to shot.
Continuity mistake: In the very first scene of the story, Jo is holding a gun as she opens the TARDIS doors, but when they come into the console room, she has no gun and is using both hands to support the Doctor.
Continuity mistake: In episode 3, after the Nitro-9 explosion which Ace uses to blow up the wall, sealing up the mine shaft, the wall is can be seen still standing, unaffected by the blast. However, after a quick cutaway to the Doctor and Ace, the wall has vanished completely by the next shot.
Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Ian encounter the Frankenstein monster in episode four, you can see a Dalek behind them, even though it's long before The Daleks arrive in this time zone.
Earthshock - S19-E6
Continuity mistake: The mouth panel of the Cybermen costumes was originally intended to be a clear perspex panel. During filming, it was felt that this showed too much of the actor inside the Cyberman costumes. So a decision was taking - mid way though filming - to paint over the 'clear' panel with silver paint. However, this does result in the mouth panels of every Cyberman alternating from 'clear' to 'silver' from shot to shot.
Answer: In 'The Five Doctors', three separate Cyberleaders are definitely used. So it's likely that Cyberleaders are like unit commanders, of which a fair-sized army might have several.
Daria Sigma