Question: Stewie asking "How'd you get all those cuts on your butt?" Is this a joke/reference that went over my head?
Answer: He might've been on the show "Stabbed in the Butt", which was in a Family Guy cutaway.
Answer: Old people tend to be wrinkly. Stewie is a baby who doesn't understand that.
Question: When Stewie is talking to Brian about songs not addressing baby issues, Brian says to Stewie "Well how could they address baby issues? Children's songs are written by adults. And dollars to donuts, white adults." Stewie then replies saying "Who are you mad at, Brian?" and Brian then says "How much time you got?" Did I miss a joke or something? What exactly was "And dollars to donuts, white adults" supposed to mean?
Chosen answer: "Dollars to donuts" is just a colorful expression meaning you're pretty sure about something (similar to saying "100 to 1" which in betting terms mean I'll put up $100 I'm right and you put up $1 that I'm wrong). Brian is just suggesting baby songs are written by white adults because he's saying white people don't have real problems.
Question: In one of the first episodes, Brian sees a miniature horse-drawn wagon come around the couch and he chases it into the kitchen, where it disappears into the wall. What is this a joke about or reference to?
Answer: Chuck Wagon dog food commercials - the Chuck Wagon would ride through the house with the dog chasing it only to disappear into the kitchen cabinet where the box of dogfood was kept.
Question: In the courtroom, after everyone goes "Oh no.", what looks like a teapot bursts through the wall going "Oh yeah.". I'm assuming it's a US advert, but I've got no idea for what - can someone let me know?
Chosen answer: It's the Kool Aid mascot (Kool Aid being a fruit flavoured powdered drink mix - FILLED with sugar). It has been bursting walls (while screaming "Oh, yeah!") for years, bringing what's needed to quench children's thirst.
Chick Cancer - S5-E7
Question: In this episode where Peter starts shooting the movie he says: Okay, now give him some peanut butter so we can make it look like he's talkin'. How is peanut butter going to help?
Answer: Because the peanut butter would get stuck to the roof of his mouth. Then as he's trying to lick the peanut butter off, he'd be constantly opening and closing his mouth.
Answer: There's an old show called Mr Ed about a talking horse. They used peanut butter in the horse's mouth.
Answer: If you've ever seen a dog eat peanut butter, you'd see how it looks like they are talking since it's so sticky.
Brian's Got a Brand New Bag - S8-E4
Question: "That's the number, Brian. Just dial 0 and read it to Sarah." I don't understand what's going on here and who is Sarah?
Answer: It's a joke about how Rita's so old the number on her bracelet wasn't a 7-digit number. In the early 20th century to place a call you could call "Central" and tell the operator "Murray Hill 4185" and she would connect you. Rita is telling Brian to call the operator (dial "0") and read "Murray Hill 4185" to Sarah, the operator.
8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter - S4-E8
Question: Why didn't Stewie want a Portuguese person for a babysitter?
Answer: Stewie is referencing the kidnapping of Madeleine McCann who was three years old at the time of her disappearance in 2007. She was taken from her bed, in a holiday apartment, at a resort in Portugal. To date, she still remains missing and the case is remains ongoing.
This episode aired Jul 10, 2005, almost 2 years before the McCann kidnapping.
My mistake. I did not look at when the episode aired. I have no idea then. That answer made the most sense considering the premise of the joke.
Question: Why does the show on occasion mention that it never won an Emmy when it's thus far received 10 nominations and 3 wins?
Answer: In the context, when talking about "Family Guy" winning an Emmy, it's about winning based on the merits of show itself, not just the work put into making the show. The Emmys "Family Guy" has won are for "outstanding voice over", "achievement in animation", or "sound mixing." Whereas, shows like "Modern Family" won Emmys for Outstanding..."comedy series", "lead actor", "supporting actor/actress", "writing", and "directing." There was a joke in the episode about what they were doing was so bad they owe back an Emmy, acknowledging they have won Emmys, just not the ones they're striving for.
Question: Can someone explain the joke where Stewie interrupts a magician's show and tells the audience that the magician drives a Saturn?
Answer: Before the cut away, Stewie says he ruined the magician's act. When we see him on stage, the viewer thinks Stewie is going to tell the audience how the magician isn't really cutting a woman in half and how it's done, ruining the act. But instead just insults him. The Saturn car company is now defunct and no new Saturns have been made since 2009, this episode aired in 2013, so the magician must not be very good or successful if that's all he can afford to drive. The joke is just that by pointing out someone drives a Saturn will ruin them.
Fifteen Minutes of Shame - S2-E12
Question: When Stewie makes the prank call to the talk show, he asks about "Prince Albert in a can." What does that mean?
Answer: This is a reference to one of the oldest prank-call jokes known - young people calling up a tobacconist's and asking if they have "Prince Albert in a can," (Prince Albert being the name of a moderately famous brand of loose tobacco). If the shop owner replies positively, they then say "Well you'd better let him out, he's suffocating!" or the like.
Question: What does, "we heard a loon" mean?
Answer: Loons are aquatic birds that make a very unique sound. Early, when Peter and Louis are going up to the cabin, Peter stops and gets out of the car to listen to a loon. It's just showing how easily Peter gets distracted because he's suppose to be hurrying to prevent Quagmire and Meg having sex. "We heard a loon" is what Lois writes in the guest book, which indicates they had a pleasant trip up to the cabin when really they should still be mad at Quagmire. I haven't found any joke or movie reference to the line, but it fits Peter.
Answer: It's Lois who writes "we heard the loon" to the guest book.
Question: Who are all the dictators Peter invites for a pool party in the episode?
Answer: Peter mentions receiving 3 telegrams from Libya, Iraq, and North Korea. At the pool party we see Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, wearing a green beret; Saddam Hussein of Iraq, wearing a red beret; and in the pool Kim il-sung (or possibly Kim Jong-il) of North Korea. Slobodan Milosevic brought the coleslaw. Also, playing Marco Polo in the pool are: Fidel Castro wearing military green cap and smoking a cigar; Yasser Arafat wearing a checkered keffiyeh; Idi Amin wearing a purple hat; Ruhollah Khomeini (or possibly Ali Khamenei) with a grey beard wearing a black turban. Stewie talks to Achmed (wearing mustard gas T-shirt) and calls out to "Manuel" which could refer to Manuel Noriega of Panama, but he's not seen.
Lois Comes Out of Her Shell - S11-E6
Question: There was a scene where Sheldon held a lighter and put his hand over it, what was he trying to do exactly? Scare off Stewie?
Answer: It was mainly done to intimidate Stewie and show Stewie how crazy he is and how tough he is. There's a similar scene from "Lethal Weapon" where Mr. Joshua puts his arm over a guy's lighter to intimidate him and show how he's impervious to pain.
Question: This episode involves a couple of scenes with Marilyn Manson, who is actually being voiced by one of the show's writers. How are they legally allowed to portray a celebrity for this long - more than a quick joke/cutaway?
Answer: Parodies are protected speech. See Hustler Magazine v. Falwell.
Question: Where's the joke in prescribing a "lesbian shoe" (Doc Martin) to sick people? Not angered by it or anything. It's just that I understand most every joke and am wondering if this one even has a point or if it's just one of the absurd jokes?
Question: When Brian went to see his ex, Tracy Flannagn, and Tracy announces Brian has a son, why does Stewie start chanting, "Jerry! Jerry!"? Is that a reference to something or what?
Answer: It references "The Jerry Springer Show" a "trash TV" talk show where people are often confronted with unknown children, their partners' secret lovers, etc. The crowd often chants the host's first name during the show.
Question: I don't remember what episode this was in. There is a clip/flashback of Brian taking Stewie to a showing of Les Miserables, where Stewie becomes very excited because Kirk Cameron is going to be in it. What is the joke behind this?
Answer: The joke is that only a girl would be excited about former teen heartthrob Kirk Cameron. There are many references through the entire show that Stewie might be gay.
Question: What is it with the Jug that breaks down walls? It's red with a face on. I don't get this joke.
Chosen answer: It's the Kool-Aid Man from Kool-Aid's commercials from the 70s and 80s. Kids would be hot and thirsty and call "Hey, Kool-Aid!" and he'd burst through a wall and say "Oh, yeah!"
Question: One of the jokes I've never really gotten - on Quahog's news show, why do Tom and Diane point out that other reporters are Asian, Hispanic, etc?
Question: How was the scene where Stewie dances with Gene Kelly achieved?
Chosen answer: According to the episode commentary, it is literally just frame by frame editting of a sequence from the film "Anchors Aweigh", in which Gene Kelly dances with Jerry Mouse (from Tom and Jerry). They drew Stewie over Jerry in each frame, which is why he seems to stretch oddly in some parts (they had to match Jerry's movements exactly).
Answer: Old people usually have poorly maintained butts for some reason. I work at a hospital, and it's the first place they check for sores.